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Fields for pre-diagnosis and error descriptors


Figure 64: Marking fields for the list output

Additional parameters for list output are defined in the DIAG and DESCR fields. Either YES or NO can be specified for each of these options.


The default value for this field is NO.
If YES is marked, automatic pre-diagnosis is started. This marks a number of memory pages which are subsequently output as part of a minimum list.
Automatic pre-diagnosis is not yet supported for user dumps.


The default value for this switch is NO.
If YES is marked, a list of error descriptors is output in the system overview. DIAG=YES is a prerequisite for DESCR=YES.
On the other hand, it can be useful to perform automatic pre-diagnosis without outputting descriptors since pre-diagnosis references a number of memory pages which are automatically output as part of any subsequent minimum list.

Any illegal combination of the DIAG and DESCR fields is automatically changed to a valid combination.