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Using an editing program



By entering *DMS in the PROC field of the LIST mask, special DMS editing can be initiated, regardless of the error components detected by the automatic preanalysis. This contains the task-specific DMS tables (TFT, TPR-FCB, TU-FCB) of the relevant task.
The editing is performed via the PRODAMP procedure DMP_ANALYSE_DMS_TABLES, which is supplied with DAMP as part of the standard package.

The MEMCNTRL program

If problems occur in terms of memory assignment, address space bottlenecks, etc., you can start the analysis of the address space assignment by using the MEMCNTRL program within the DAMP application. The MEMCNTRL program is supplied in the system PRODAMP library and must be set with the statement
before calling the program.

The NDM program

In the case of problems from the scope of device management, you can start editing procedures for the NDM tables from within the DAMP application and have the analyses output to SYSLST by making an appropriate entry in the PROC field of the LIST mask. For more information on this topic, see also the chapter "NDMDAMP Generating diagnostic documents".

As in the case of the MEMCNTRL program, the system PRODAMP library must be set as the OBJECT-LIBRARY before calling the NDM program.

The output to a list is usually not sufficient documentation when forwarding an error message. In general, the dump file should also be supplied on a data medium for all error messages to permit a diagnosis with DAMP for subsequent instances as well.