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Calling DAMP


DAMP is called in the system on which the diagnosis object exists with /START-DAMP. DAMP is then started from the user ID saved under IMON. Depending on the selected function, the appropriate processing modules are loaded dynamically from the set module library by the load program.

If DAMP was not installed on a system with the default installation or if DAMP is to be started with special user options (see "Modification by the user (special window: OPTIONS)"), /START-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM must be used with the name of the possibly modified DAMP load phase (delivery name: SYSPRG.DAMP.<ver>).

For analysis in the current system, the calling user ID must have the read test privilege 8. The privilege must be activated beforehand with the MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS command.

When DAMP is called in interactive mode, functions are automatically assigned to the programmable keys and the DAMP screen is then displayed with the HELP window active (this does not apply to batch and procedure modes).

DAMP can also be started as a batch job (see "Batch and procedure modes, statement sequences"). In this case, the entries are read from SYSDTA and processed as if they were entered in the command line. This function is primarily intended for generating lists.

DAMP can also be started in procedure mode (see "Batch and procedure modes, statement sequences"). This function is particularly suited for a standard preliminary “on-screen diagnosis run”.