The DISPLAY statement is used to display information about the system or error entries from the SERSLOG file on the screen. The error entries can be selected by specifying the appropriate operands for a number of different criteria, e.g. the error event type, the TSN or the time of the event. The selected entries can be displayed either in their entirety, together with the error environment data, or in an abbreviated form with only the most important details.
Operation | Operands |
ADDRESS=address | Name of the module within which the specified address is located, together with the displacement from the start of this module. |
DESCRIPT | This operand causes descriptions of the specified error event types (“rectypes”), accompanied by suggested diagnostic responses, to be displayed. DESCRIPT should be specified together with the RECTYPE operand, otherwise all the descriptions contained in the description library will be output. The DESCRIPT operand is accepted only if a description library has been assigned (see the LIBRARY statement, "LIBRARY Assign description library"). |
ELSN={ elsn | elsn1-elsn2 } ELSN=elelsnsneelsn11elsn22 | This selects the entries on the basis of their ELSN (Error Log Sequence Number); the entries are numbered sequentially during creation of the SERSLOG file. “elsn”, “elsn1” and “elsn2” must be specified in hexadecimal form. “elsn2” must be greater than “elsn1”. The specification “elsn1-elsn2” selects all entries whose ELSN lies between these limits (including the specified values). |
FULL | This specifies that all information on the system, the location map of the modules, all entries (in ascending order of their ELSN) and the SUMMARY list are to be output. |
INFO | This outputs information on the system (version, generation date, etc.). |
LOCMAP | This outputs the location map of the system modules. The map contains two lists, one sorted by module names and one sorted by module addresses. |
MODULE=modulename | This outputs the start address, the length and the version number of the specified module. |
RECTYPE=rectype | The entries to be output are selected on the basis of the error event type (“rectype”). The entries are output in ascending order of their ELSN. If less than 7 characters are specified, all entries whose error event type begins with the specified string are output (r[e[c[t[y[p[e]]]]]]). |
SHORT | This outputs the selected SERSLOG entries in their abbreviated form. The SHORT operand may be specified together with any of the selection operands. If SHORT is the only operand specified, all entries in the SERSLOG file are output in their abbreviated form. |
SUMMARY | This outputs a list containing all error event types found in the current file or the current session, together with the number of times each type occurs. |
TID=tid | The SERSLOG entries to be output are selected on the basis of the task identifier. The entries are output in ascending order of their ELSN. |
TIMESTP= date1/time1:date2/time2 | |
The entries to be output are to be selected using the ELSN written to the SERSLOG file in the period date1/time1 through date2/time2. Output is in ascending sequence of ELSN. The date and time are specified in SDF format. The upper limit specified by date2/time2 must be greater than or equal to the lower limit specified by date1/time1. Example
| |
TSN=tsn | The entries to be output are selected on the basis of the TSN. The entries are output in ascending order of their ELSN. If a non-numeric TSN with less than 4 characters is specified, the entry is padded on the left with blanks. |
The statement
causes all SERSLOG entries with the TSN 1234 whose RECTYPE begins with the string “NRT” to be output in their abbreviated (short) form. The entries are output to SYSOUT in ascending order of their ELSN.
If the number of entries to be output is greater than the number of lines on the screen, one screen is displayed and the message
is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Entering “+” or a null input (simply pressing
) causes the next screen to be displayed. Entering a new command terminates the output and the new command is executed.The following commands have the following effects:
STOP/END: | Abort the current statement, processing of the session or file and the ELFE session. |
OPEN/CONT: | Abort the current statement, processing of the session. Start with the specified session. |
PRINT/DISPLAY: | Abort the current statement and begin processing the specified statement. |
The only exceptions to this are the statement
the statements KEEP, HELP and LIBRARY
These interrupt processing of the current information output only for output of the requested data. The previous information output can then be continued.
All other operands of the DISPLAY statement terminate any current information output.