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SLED dump


If it is not possible to pinpoint the cause and effect of a software error which impairs an essential part of the operating system, the operating system must be terminated and the memory areas of BS2000 must be dumped for diagnosis. A full dump of this type is created by SLED (Self-Loading Emergency Dump routine).

SLED runs independently of the BS2000 operating system.
The operating system has to be loaded again following a SLED run.

SLED execution can be either automatic (unattended) or controlled by the operator (attended).

The SLED run can be controlled via a SLED parameter file.

SLED writes a dump file (SLEDFILE) to disk or tape. This file contains all the available, requested data that is necessary for subsequent analysis by the editing routine DAMP.

If SLED was loaded as “DUMP from SLED”, the memory areas used by IPL-EXEC and SLED are output.

Figure 100: Device configuration for SLED