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Extracting IOHDUMP from a SLED


On x86 servers, the IOHDUMP diagnostic data is written to the BS2000 SLED file, where it is stored in the IOHIOSDP section. This data is used to diagnose HSI errors. It can be processed as follows:

/SHOW-FILE-ATTR *IOHIOSDP*,CREATION-DATE=*TODAY ———————————————————————  (2) 



The IOHIOSDP section is displayed. The only function that may be used on it is “GEN”. Marking this function and pressing the key causes DAMP to extract this data and write it to a PAM file in BS2000. The name of this file is shown in the first two lines of the DAMP screen.
The name of the file generated is displayed.

You can then transfer this file from BS2000 to X2000 as follows:

open <system> —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  (1) 
<userid> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  (2) 
<password>—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  (3) 
bin————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  (4) 
put <filename> <tar_archive_name>——————————————————————————————————————  (5) 


Create a connection to the X2000 system, specifying the systems IP address or symbolic name.
Specify the user ID of the X2000 system to which the data is to be transferred.
Enter the password for this user ID.
The PAM file has to be transferred in binary mode to avoid corrupting the file structure.
Transfer the file <filename> to the file <tar_archive_name> on the target system.
<tar_archive_name> must not contain a catalog ID or user ID.

You need to complete the following steps in order to process the file under X2000:

tar tf <tar_archive_name> —————————————————————————————————————————————  (1) 
tar xf <tar_archive_name> <file_name> —————————————————————————————————  (2) 
uncompress <file_name> ————————————————————————————————————————————————  (3) 


List the contents of the tar archive with the name <tar_archive_name>.
Choose the file you want and extract it from the tar archive.
If necessary, uncompress the diagnostic data.

You can then process the diagnostic data in the usual way:

  • You can use MDEBUG to work with IOHDUMP (you open IOHDUMP as a dump file with sd):

  • SYSDB Trace and PRKDUMP can be opened with exs and with exp, respectively; you can use special MDEBUG statements to access the IOH data.