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Structure and Installation Information file (SYSSII file)


The SYSSII file is a product file (release item) supplied with each software product (release unit) from Fujitsu Technology Solutions. A SYSSII file contains information on the structure of a product.

During installation for a target system version, the information about all SYSSII files of a delivery is contained in the product movement file, and is evaluated from there. The SYSSII file of the product is not installed in the system, but only included in the library SOLLIB.IMON.SYSSII with the currently set work file ID (with a prefix where applicable)  (this can be suppressed in a user-defined IMON parameter file).

The SYSSII file contains information that is of significance as regards the installation of a product and the assignment of path names to logical IDs.

The information in the SYSSII file is as follows:

  • name and version of the release unit

  • list of the release items in the release unit

  • definition of the logical ID for each individual release item.

A SYSSII file is always a description of a complete release unit with all its release items. This also applies to a correction delivery containing only new or modified items. IMON evaluates the SYSSII file or the product movement file when it registers release units and release items in the SCI as installation units and installation items.

A SYSSII file can be used as an input file with the Add... menu option in the Edit menu or with the ADD-INSTALLATION-UNITS statement in order to register the installation units and installation items it contains in the SCI.

You can use IMON-SIC to generate a SYSSII file for your private software or BS2000 software that was not installed with IMON. IMON-SIC enables you to assign a logical ID to each release item in this software: these assignments are written into the SYSSII file. Once this software has been registered in the SCI, you can employ the logical IDs to utilize the functions of IMON-GPN for this software.