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10MAI10617Privileges:          SUBSYSTEM-MANAGEMENT


Supply units not needed anymore are removed (deinstalled) with the DEINSTALL-SUPPLY-UNITS statement. The deinstallation is performed for every installation unit of the specified supply unit except for the installation units that are also currently assigned to other installation units and that will remain installed in the system.

During the deinstallation of a supply unit all actions performed during its installation are undone:

  • activated files are deactivated, if necessary

  • installed files are deleted, if necessary

  • entries in the IMON-SCI are removed

The test mode can be set via the operand EXECUTION=*NO . In this case only the preliminary analysis used to check if the deinstallation executed without error is performed. 

You will find more details on deinstallation in section "Deinstallation".



UNIT-NAME = *BY-DIALOG / list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)

<text 1..30 without-sep>(...)




list-poss(30): <product-version>(...)








list-poss(15): <alphanum-name 3..3>




PREFIX = <partial-filename 2..16>



VOLUME = <vsn>


,DEVICE-TYPE = <device>



|VERSION = *CURRENT / <product-version without-man-corr>

|,DSSM-CATALOG = *DEFAULT / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>


|SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / <integer 1..99>



Selection of the supply units to be deinstalled.


The selection criteria and the corresponding supply units are selected interactively (see "Interactive selection of supply units" (INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software )).

UNIT-NAME = list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)

Name of the supply unit to be deinstalled. In the VERSION operand the deinstallation can be limited to certain versions of this supply unit.

Up to 30 supply units can be specified in a list.


Specifies which version of the specified supply unit will be deinstalled.


All versions are deinstalled.


All versions are deinstalled except for the highest version.


The lowest version present is deinstalled.

VERSION = list-poss(30): <product-version>(...)

The specified version is deinstalled. The deinstallation can be limited to certain correction states in the CORRECTION-STATE operand.

Up to 30 versions can be specified in a list.


Specifies which correction state of the specified version are deinstalled.


All correction states of the specified version are deinstalled.


All correction states of the specified version are deinstalled except for the highest correction state.


The lowest correction state present is deinstalled.

CORRECTION-STATE = list-poss(15): <alphanum-name 3..3>

The correction state of the supply unit to be deinstalled is specified explicitly.

Format: <aso>


Specifies if the files deleted during deinstallation are to be saved beforehand.


The files are not saved.


The files are saved in a library with LMS/LMSCONV. Name of the save library:


where <work> is the current work file ID setting (see the statement MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").


Backup copies of the files are created. The file name of each backup copy is formed from the prefix specified in the PREFIX operand and the original path, where the catalog ID and the dollar symbol are omitted from the left side of the user ID.

PREFIX = <partial-filename 2..16>

File name prefix for the backup copy. The file name prefix may not be longer than 16 characters after adding the catalog ID and user ID of the caller.


During deinstallation of the EDT (caller TSOS, prefix “D1.”) the file

:B503:$OSD4.SYSLNK.EDT.170 is deleted, among others. The backup copy is

saved under the name :B503:$TSOS.D1.TSOS.SYSLNK.EDT.170.


The files are saved with ARCHIVE.

VOLUME = <vsn>

VSN of the data medium on which the files are to be saved using ARCHIVE.

DEVICE-TYPE = <device>

Device type of the data medium.


Specifications on the target system for which the deinstallation is to be performed.


BS2000 version of the target system.


The current BS2000 version is used.

VERSION = <product-version without-man-corr>

Explicit specification of the BS2000 version.

Permitted entries: V19.0, V20.0 and V21.0

DSSM-CATALOG = *DEFAULT / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>

Name of the static DSSM catalogs from which the subsystems to be deinstalled are to be removed.


Specifies if the actual deinstallation is to be executed after performing the preliminary analysis. During the preliminary analysis a check is performed to see if the most important requirements to perform the deinstallation are fulfilled:

  1. Every file to be deleted must be accessible.

  2. Every SDF parameter file from which the entries for syntax files are to be removed must be accessible.

  3. Every MIP parameter file from which the entries for message files are to be removed must be accessible.

  4. Every static DSSM catalog and every SSCM source file from which the entries for subsystems are to be removed must be accessible.

  5. Every subsystem to be deleted must be stopped.


The deinstallation is executed after a successful preliminary analysis. If the preliminary analysis determines that a requirement is not fulfilled, then an error is logged and error

handling is initiated:

  • In the procedure or batch mode the processing mode is changed to EXECUTION=*NO,

    i.e. the preliminary analysis is continued and all errors detected are recorded. The actual deinstallation is not started, however.

  • In the interactive dialog processing is interrupted with a message requiring a response.

    Depending on the response of the user, processing is simply continued (the error is ignored) processing is continued with EXECUTION=*NO or the current step of the check is repeated.

    When an error is ignored IMON assumes during processing after ignoring the error that no error was detected during this step of the check.

    Repeating this step of the check only makes sense when the cause of the error was eliminated in the meantime.


The call is made in the test mode, i.e. only the preliminary analysis for the deinstallation is performed and any errors detected during analysis are recorded.


Error messages are output to SYSLST.


SYSLST number.


Error messages are output to the standard SYSLST.

SYSLST-NUMBER = <integer 1..99>

Specification of the SYSLST number.


In the following example a check is made to see if the supply unit PERCON could be deinstalled without error.

//deinstall-supply-units unit-name=*by-dialog,execution=*no ———————————

    IMON: SOLIS2 delivery: Package name: <package-name> User code: SOL2P        
                                           Units     1 through     5 of     5   
                               SU selection                         More:       
     Unit name     Vers  Corr   Park userid      Install status                
  EDT              17.0  D30  :I29A:$PARKSW1   Installed
  OPENFT           12.1  C10  :I29A:$PARKSW1   Installed
  OPENFT-CR        12.1  B10  :I29A:$PARKSW1   Installed
X PERCON           02.9  A10  :I29A:$PARKSW1   Installed
  SORT             08.0  A30  :I29A:$PARKSW1   Installed
                        *** End of SU selection ***                             
 Command ==>                                                                    
 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F5=Previous  F6=Next  F7=Backward  F8=Forward  F10=Menu ...  



========== Deinstallation executed with EXECUTION=*NO: ==========   ———  (3) 
Subsystem "PERCON" was removed from the SDF parameter file 
Message file ':I29A:$OSD4.SYSMES.PERCON.029' removed from the message system
Message file ':I29A:$OSD4.SYSMES.PERCON.029' removed from the MIP parameter 
file ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSPAR.MIP.170' removed if present 
Subsystem "PERCON" "V02.9" removed from catalog ":I29A:$TSOS.SYS.SSD.CAT.X" 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSFGM.PERCON.029.D' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSFGM.PERCON.029.E' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSLNK.PERCON.029' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSMES.PERCON.029' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.PERCON' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSRMS.PERCON.029' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSSDF.PERCON.029.TSOS' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSSDF.PERCON.029' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSSSC.PERCON.029' deleted 
File ':I29A:$TSOS.SYSSSC.PERCON.029.LOW' deleted 
LE 'PERCON' Version "02.9C00" (package-name) removed 
IU 'PERCON' Version "02.9C00" removed 


The statement DEINSTALL-SUPPLY-UNITS is called in the test mode (EXECUTION=*NO). The supply units are to be selected in the dialog (UNIT=*BY-DIALOG).


The supply units are displayed in a dialog box. In the example the supply unit PERCON was selected. The selection is then confirmed with  [DUE].


The messages in the deinstallation steps to be performed are output to SYSOUT. In this example no errors that could have arisen while deinstalling PERCON were detected.


  1. In the following cases the statement was rejected without taking any action and an error message was output:
    • No standard SCI ($TSOS.SYS.IMON.SCI) opened.
    • One of the selected supply units is not registered in the currently open SCI.
    • One of the selected supply units is registered in the currently open SCI but is not in the “Installed” or “Parked” state.
    • VERSION=*EXCEPT-HIGHEST-EXISTING or *LOWEST-EXISTING was specified and only one version is registered in the SCI.
    • The preliminary analysis was not executed without errors in the procedure or batch mode.
  2. The package name is ignored when selecting the supply units. If a supply unit is in several SOLIS2 deliveries, then all supply units are deinstalled.
  3. Installation units are only deinstalled when they are not assigned to any of the supply units left in the system.

  4. Files are only deactivated and deleted when they are not assigned to any of the supply units left in the system.

  5. The access rights to files are checked by IMON using the file reservation with the SECURE-RESOURCE-ALLOCATION command.

  6. Updating the DSSM catalog: 
    If the dynamic DSSM catalog cannot be updated, then a warning is output.
    The static DSSM catalog update is performed for all subsystems to be deleted in a single step. If the catalog cannot be saved after that, then a warning is output. If the user requests the save to be repeated, then this can be done using the parameter ENFORCE=YES .

  7. “Being Deinstalled” installation state:
    If the actual deinstallation for a supply unit is started, IMON sets the installation state to “Being Deinstalled” until the supply unit is removed from the SCI at the end of deinstallation.
    This installation state is shown in the output of the SHOW-SUPPLY-UNITS command. It prevents SCI entries of supply units that are now being deinstalled from being exported at the same time using the GENERATE-IDF statement.

  8. Restoring an aborted deinstallation:
    If the deinstallation process is aborted by the user or by IMON itself, then a restart can be performed with continuation of the deinstallation simply by calling the deinstallation function again with the same selection of supply units.