The INSTALL-UNITS statement enables you to install the supply units of a SOLIS2 delivery and update the open SCI with the new information. When you open a new delivery (i.e. one not yet registered in the SCI), the delivery is registered in the SCI. For details of the installation procedure, see section "Installation".
The installation can be executed for START=*BY-USER, up to and including the generation of the installation procedure, under any user ID with both privileges. The current user ID must be specified as the WORK-FILE-LOCATION using MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS. Following this, the installation procedure must then be started under TSOS.
Exception: If you are installing from a data volume, or if you are using a user ID other than the current user ID for the installation, the entire installation must be performed under TSOS.
If you are installing the delivery from data volumReplace filee (original or copy created by the customer) or from a library (DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM= *SOLIS2-VOLUME/ *LOCAL-VOLUME//*LIBRARY), the delivery documentation is created and stored in a library.
The software, which has been installed, is locked for users of the system until the next system start (also see LOCK-PRODUCT-VERSION command in the „Commands“ [4 (Related publications )] manual).
If, at installation, the installation item of an “approved” supply unit is changed, IMON automatically resets the customer approval ID of the supply unit (see also RESET-CUSTOMER-APPROVAL statement, page 404 (RESET-CUSTOMER-APPROVAL Reset customer approval ID of a supply unit )).
INSTALL-UNITS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Source for supply units to be installed.
Install supply units from a SOLIS2 delivery.
PACKAGE-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..12>
Package name (as stated in the footer of the delivery contents).
USER-CODE = <alphanum-name 1..8>
User code (as stated in the footer of the delivery contents).
The distribution medium: either IMON uses the information from the SCI or the distribution medium is specified explicitly.
The delivery information, the VSN and the device type of the tape or the name of the PLAM library are taken from the open SCI. Files that have already been installed are not read again from the MTC.
It is now possible to install the same supply unit for the same system multiple times using the *REGISTERED-MEDIUM functionality (e.g. after deleting a file of the supply unit by mistake). Moreover, the "Installed" status of a supply unit will now be set only in the SCI of the system where the supply unit is effectively installed and no longer in the SCI from where the installation is triggered (where it remains unchanged).
You can select the following for the installation:
The delivery is stored in a PLAM library called SOLFTR.<package-name>.<user-code> on the user ID SYSSAG.
<package-name> and <user-code> are the values of the PACKAGE-NAME and USER- CODE operands.
The delivery information is read from the library. The selected supply units are installed from the library and registered in the SCI.
Name of the library in which the delivery documentation is stored. If the library already exists, then the new delivery documentation is added to its contents.
The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC, where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME, <customer ID> is the value of the operand USER-CODE and <work file ID> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC, where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME, <customer ID> is the value of the operand USER-CODE and <work file ID> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
An explicitly specified library name.
Specifies if the delivery is to be handled as a delivery already registered in the SCI
or as a new delivery.
The delivery is handled like a delivery that has already been registered. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they are not to be overwritten.
The delivery is handled like a new delivery. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they will be recreated using the information from the library supplied.
All information on previously installed supply units from this delivery will be lost.
These supply units are no longer available for an installation with UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI.
Read delivery information from a data volume shipped with Solis2 (tape cartridge, CD or DVD). The delivery information will be copied from data volume. All supply units of the specified delivery are available for selection. The selected supply units will be copied from data volume to the current user ID and registered in the SCI. Existing files with the same names will be overwritten.
VOLUME = <vsn>
VSN of the data volume which contains the delivery (see delivery contents).
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Device type of the data volume (see delivery contents).
Name of the library in which the delivery documentation is stored. If the library already exists, the new delivery documentation is added to it.
The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC, where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME, <customer ID> is the value of the operand USER-CODE and <work file ID> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
An explicitly specified library name.
Specifies if the delivery is to be handled as a delivery already registered in the SCI or as a new delivery.
The delivery is handled like a delivery that has already been registered. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they are not to be overwritten.
The delivery is handled like a new delivery. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they will be recreated using the information read from the data medium.
All information on previously installed supply units from this delivery will be lost.
These supply units are no longer available for an installation with UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI.
Read delivery information from a data volume created by the customer tape cartridge or virtual volume in a CentricStor). The data volume information of the product movement file is ignored. All supply units of the specified delivery are available for selection. The selected supply units will be copied from data volume to the current user ID and registered in the SCI. Existing files with the same names will be overwritten.
Refer to "Creating a LOCAL-VOLUME".
VOLUME = <vsn>
VSN of the data volume which contains the delivery.
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Device type of the data volume.
Name of the library in which the delivery documentation is stored. If the library already exists, the new delivery documentation is added to it.
The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC, where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME, <customer ID> is the value of the operand USER-CODE and <work file ID> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
An explicitly specified library name.
Specifies if the delivery is to be handled as a delivery already registered in the SCI or as a new delivery.
The delivery is handled like a delivery that has already been registered. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they are not to be overwritten.
The delivery is handled like a new delivery. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they will be recreated using the information read from the data medium.
All information on previously installed supply units from this delivery will be lost. These supply units are no longer available for an installation with UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI.
The supply units to be installed.
Only supply units that do not have the installation status Installed or Being Installed are installed from the SOLIS2 delivery.
Overwrite/do not overwrite an existing file during installation.
Overwrite existing files.
Do not overwrite existing files, if possible.
Do not overwrite existing files.
Determines how IMON behaves when placing release items if the desired location (determined by catalog ID, user ID and prefix) is not the same as the stipulated user ID or prefix of the release unit or of the release item.
Abort the placement of the release item, if the location or the user ID is stipulated for the release unit or one of the release items. Otherwise the desired location is used.
Place the release units and release items with the stipulated user ID or prefix under the resulting location. Otherwise, use the desired user ID or prefix.
Use the desired location. Any stipulated user IDs or prefix are ignored.
Install all supply units in the SOLIS2 delivery.
See description at SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL-REMAINING(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
See description at SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL-REMAINING(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
Install all supply units based on configuration.
All supply units from delivery will be installed if they are in higher or equal version than already installed in system.
If supply unit was not in system, then it's installation will be skipped.
See description at SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL-REMAINING(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
See description at SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL-REMAINING(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
Define the selection criteria and the target supply units in a dialog (see "Interactive selection of supply units").
SUPPLY-UNITS = list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)
Name of the supply unit, see "Supply unit ".
Version of the supply unit.
Use the highest version of the supply unit.
Use all versions of the supply unit.
VERSION = <product-version without-man-corr>
Version designation without the release and correction state. CORRECTION-STATE = Correction state of the supply unit.
Use the highest correction state of the supply unit.
Use all correction states of the supply unit
Use the lowest correction state of the supply unit.
CORRECTION-STATE = list-poss(15): <alphanum-name 3..3>
Explicitly specify the correction state of the supply unit.
Format: <aso>
Overwrite/do not overwrite an existing file during installation.
Overwrite existing files.
Do not overwrite existing files, if possible.
Do not overwrite existing files.
Determines how IMON behaves when placing release items if the desired location (determined by catalog ID, user ID and prefix) is not the same as the stipulated user ID or prefix of the release unit or of the release item.
Abort the placement of the release item, if the location or the user ID is stipulated for the release unit or one of the release items. Otherwise the desired location is used.
Place the release units and release items with the stipulated user ID or prefix under the resulting location. Otherwise, use the desired user ID or prefix.
Use the desired location. Any stipulated user IDs or prefix are ignored.
The supply units are already installed in a system and registered in the SCI.
PACKAGE-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..12>
Statement of the package name (as stated in the footer of the supply information) to which selection of the supply units is restricted.
This operand may be used only together with USER-CODE=*BY-SUPPLY-UNITS.
Selection of the supply units is made using the opened SCI and is independent of the package name.
USER-CODE = <alphanum-name 1..8>
Statement of the customer ID (as stated in the footer of the supply information).
This operand may be used only together with PACKAGE-NAME=*BY-SUPPLY-UNITS.
Selection of the supply units is made using the opened SCI and is independent of the customer ID.
The supply units to be installed.
Install all supply units in the SOLIS2 delivery.
Overwrite/do not overwrite an existing file during installation.
Overwrite existing files.
Do not overwrite existing files, if possible.
Do not overwrite existing files.
Determines how IMON behaves when placing release items if the desired location (determined by catalog ID, user ID and prefix) is not the same as the stipulated user ID or prefix of the release unit or of the release item.
Abort the placement of the release item, if the location or the user ID is stipulated for the release unit or one of the release items. Otherwise the desired location is used.
Place the release units and release items with the stipulated user ID or prefix under the the resulting location. Otherwise, use the desired user ID or prefix.
Use the desired location. Any stipulated user IDs or prefix are ignored.
Define the selection criteria and the target supply units in a dialog (see "Interactive selection of supply units").
SUPPLY-UNITS = list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)
Name of the supply unit, see "Supply unit ".
Version of the supply unit.
Use the highest version of the supply unit.
Use all versions of the supply unit.
VERSION = <product-version without-man-corr>
Version designation without the release and correction state.
Correction state of the supply unit.
Use the highest correction state of the supply unit.
Use all correction states of the supply unit
Use the lowest correction state of the supply unit.
CORRECTION-STATE = list-poss(15): <alphanum-name 3..3>
Explicitly specify the correction state of the supply unit.
Format: <aso>
Overwrite/do not overwrite an existing file during installation.
Overwrite existing files.
Do not overwrite existing files, if possible.
Do not overwrite existing files.
Determines how IMON behaves when placing release items if the desired location (determined by catalog ID, user ID and prefix) is not the same as the stipulated user ID or prefix of the release unit or of the release item.
Abort the placement of the release item, if the location or the user ID is stipulated for the release unit or one of the release items. Otherwise the desired location is used.
Place the release units and release items with the stipulated user ID or prefix under the the resulting location. Otherwise, use the desired user ID or prefix.
Use the desired location. Any stipulated user IDs or prefix are ignored.
The supply units are already installed in a system and registered in the SCI. In contrast to installation with UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) only those supply units that have a customer approval ID are selected. A delta installation is then performed for the selected supply units; in other words, only those installation items that have an older installation timestamp in the target system are installed.
PACKAGE-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..12>
Statement of the package name (as specified in the footer of the letter accompanying the delivery) to which selection of the supply units is limited.
This operand may be used only together with USER-CODE=*BY-SUPPLY-UNITS.
Selection of the supply units is made using the opened SCI and is independent of the package name.
USER-CODE = <alphanum-name 1..8>
Statement of the customer ID (as specified in the footer of the letter accompanying the delivery) to which selection of the supply units is limited.
This operand may be used only together with PACKAGE-NAME=*BY-SUPPLY-UNITS.
Selection of the supply units is made using the opened SCI and is independent of the customer ID.
SUPPLY-UNITS = *ALL(...) / *BY-DIALOG / list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)
Specifies the supply units to be installed. For a detailed description of the operand values refer to UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...).
All supply units of the SOLIS2 delivery that have a customer approval ID are selected for the delta installation.
See description of SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL(...) under UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
See description of SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL(...) under UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
Define the selection criteria and the target supply units in a dialog (see "Interactive selection of supply units").
SUPPLY-UNITS = list-poss(30): <text 1..30 without-sep>(...)
Name of the supply unit, see "Supply unit ".
VERSION = *HIGHEST-EXISTING / *ALL / <product-version without-man-corr>
Version of the supply unit. Default is *HIGHEST-EXISTING, i.e. the highest version of the supply unit is used.
*ALL causes all versions of the supply unit to be used. Explicit version specification is made without release and correction status.
See description of SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL(...) under UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
See description of SUPPLY-UNITS=*ALL(...) under UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) on "INSTALL-UNITS Install and register software ".
System for which the installation is to take place (target system).
Version of BS2000.
Use the current BS2000 version.
VERSION = <product-version without-man-corr>
Explicit specification of the version of BS2000.
Permitted entries: V19.0, V20.0 and V21.0
Home pubset of the system for installation.
Perform the installation on the home pubset of the current system under the default catalog ID of the corresponding user ID.
Perform the installation on an imported pubset for another target system (“foreign system”).
CATID = <cat-id 1..4>
Catalog ID of the pubset on which installation will take place.
Default user ID of the target system.
The default ID of the current system is used as the system default ID if the parameter file does not contain a “PVS-INFO” parameter for the specified pubset of the target system. Otherwise the catalog ID agreed in the “PVS-INFO” parameter for the specified pubset of the target system is used. For more information refer to the section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters".
DEFLUID = <name 1..8>
An explicitly specified default user ID of the target system.
Specifies the hardware type of the target system for installing hardware-dependent release items.
Value found in the PVS-INFO record associated to the specified target pubset in the IMON parameter file, if any specified (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details). Hardware type depending on target BS2000 version otherwise (see VERSION operand):
Target system version | The presetting *STD corresponds to |
BS2000 V19.0 – V21.0 | *ANY; all values are permitted (*CISC-390, *X86) |
The target system runs on a /390 machine. Only those release items that have the TARGET=A code (hardware-independent) or the TARGET=S (/390 variant) code are installed.
Only those release items that have the TARGET=A code (hardware-independent) or the TARGET=K o (X86 variant) are installed.
The release items whose hardware variants are supported in the target system are installed.
Target system version | Supported hardware types |
BS2000 V19.0 – V21.0 | *CISC-390 and *X86 |
This presetting specifies whether only release items that are specified for the relevant target system version are installed (see VERSION operand).
This presetting specifies whether only release items that are specified for the relevant target system version are installed (see VERSION operand).
Value found in the PVS-INFO record associated to the specified target pubset in the IMON parameter file, if any specified (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details). *TARGET-VERSION-ONLY is otherwise assumed.
All release items are installed regardless of the target system version.
Only release items for which the relevant target system version is specified are installed. Release items that are specified for other target system versions are not installed (this refers in particular to the item types SSC, SSD, MSV, SDF, *DA and REP).
Save/do not save the files that are overwritten by the installation.
Value specified in the OLD-FILE-SAVING record of the used IMON parameter file, if any specified; *NO assumed otherwise (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" (IMON parameter file for default installation parameters ) for more details).
Do not save the files.
The files are saved in a library with LMS/LMSCONV. The name of the save library for BS2000 is $<work file ID>.IMON.SAVE.LIB.<package name>.<customer ID>, where <package name> is the value of the PACKAGE-NAME operand, <customer ID> is the value of the USER-CODE operand and <work file ID> is the current work file ID setting (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
Save the files with ARCHIVE.
VOLUME = <vsn> / *FROM-OPERATOR(...)
VSN of the data volume to which the files are to be saved with ARCHIVE.
The MAREN subsystem automatically selects the VSN of a free volume. If the MAREN subsystem is not loaded, the statement is rejected with the message IMO0449.
LOCATION = *STD / <alphanum-name 1..8>
Name of the location from which the free volume is to be selected. *STD is default, i.e. the ARCHIVE backup is carried out without MAREN support, with the default settings of ARCHIVE.
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Device type of the data volume.
The passwords that are needed for overwriting a file during installation. The installation is aborted in the event of an error.
There are no passwords stored in a file.
PASSWORD-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>(...)
Name of the file containing the ADD-PASSWORD commands for password-protected files. These commands are integrated into the installation procedure. They must be syntactically correct.
READ-PASSWORD = <c-string 1..4>
Read password of the password file.
Print/do not print the installation logs.
Value specified in the PRINT-LOG-FILES record of the used IMON parameter file, if any specified; *NO assumed otherwise (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details).
The placement mode of the installation items.
Use the default settings for the placement mode, for overwriting existing files and for the behavior in the event of user ID conflicts.
You are prompted to enter details on “customizing” and optional specifications for the placement mode of the installation items of the supply unit in dialog boxes (similar to figure 27 (Edit menu )).
If the string *RU is specified for a supply unit in the “Userid” column of the “Supply unit placement parameters” dialog box, a follow-on mask appears in which you can enter specific details for the release units of the supply unit. Details of the release unit have priority over those of the supply unit.
Replace file
Overwrite/do not overwrite an existing file during installation.
Possible entries:
Y M N | Overwrite existing files. Do not overwrite existing files, if possible. Do not overwrite existing files. |
Force Loc.
Determines how IMON behaves when placing release items if the desired user ID is not the same as the stipulated user ID of the release unit or of the release item.
Possible entries:
N | The placement of the release items is aborted, if the location or the user ID is stipulated for the release unit or one of the release items. Otherwise the desired location is used. |
M | Place release units and release items with the stipulated user ID or prefix on the resulting location. Otherwise, use the desired user ID or prefix. |
Y | Use the desired location for the release items. Any stipulated user IDs or prefix are ignored. |
Determines how IMON handles the supply unit libraries. Possible entries:
Y | The supply unit libraries are cataloged on the target system under their original names. Their elements are also incorporated in alternative libraries via IMON. |
N | The supply unit libraries are cataloged on the target system under their original names only. |
- | The supply unit does not contain a library file. |
Start/do not start installation items of the type DO or ENT during installation.
Possible entries:
Y N | Start the item. Do not start the item. |
Defines which installation items are to be prepared for subsequent activation during the installation procedure.
For each activation process, the value which applies is the value declared in the corresponding parameter record (“SDF-PROCESSING”, “MIP-PROCESSING” ...). In the absence of a declaration *YES applies to all parameters excepted for POSIX-PROCESSING for which *BY-CONFIGURATION-FILE applies.
Select the installation items to be processed using dialog boxes (similar to figure 29 "Edit menu ").
Process/do not process syntax files during the installation procedure. You are prompted to enter the necessary specifications in dialog boxes.
SDF param file
Name of the SDF parameter file.
Process/do not process message files during the installation procedure. You are prompted to enter the necessary specifications for specific versions in dialog boxes.
MIP param file
Name of the MIP parameter file.
MES file
Name of the message file into which the message files of the subsystems are to be merged using CREATION-TIME=BEFORE-DSSM-LOAD or AT-DSSM-LOAD.
Process/do not process the static DSSM subsystem catalog during the installation procedure. You are prompted to enter the necessary specifications in dialog boxes. The new DSSM subsystem catalog is only activated in the next system run
Catalog name
Defines which static DSSM subsystem catalog is processed. If you do not enter a catalog name here, the default name of the static catalog is used.
IMON saves an existing catalog as <old-catalog-name>.<time-stamp> before replacing it with the new catalog. If the name is too long, <old-catalog-name> is abbreviated.
Keep old version: Yes / No
Keep/do not keep old versions of the processed subsystems in the DSSM subsystem catalog for subsystems that allow to keep old versions.
Defines how the RMS depot is processed during the installation procedure.
You must enter the necessary specifications in dialog boxes.
RMS processing: 1. Depot+loaders 2. Depot only 3.No
The type of processing for RMS data.
If Depot only is specified, the RMS data is transferred into the RMS depot.
If Depot+loaders is specified, the REP loaders are also generated.
If No is specified, the depot is not updated and no REP loaders are generated.
Depot location: 1. Standard 2. Enforced
The name of the RMS depot for transferring data and generating the REP loaders.
If you specify Standard, the RMS depot specified during parking is used for parked software.
Otherwise, the RMS depot specified for “Location” is used.
If you specify Enforced, the RMS depot specified for “Location” is always used.
Location: [:<cat-id>:]$[<userid>].
The catalog ID and/or user ID under which the RMS depot is stored. The default file name is “RMS.DEPOT”.
Do not process the RMS files. The depot is not updated and no REP loaders are generated.
If there are no REP loaders, the system may not be able to attain a “SYSTEM READY”.
Specifies whether POSIX satellites are to be processed at installation (as installation calls in POSIX). *BY-CONFIGURATION-FILE / *ALL can be given even if POSIX configuration file does not exist.
Activation parameters are asked interactively using a further specific dialog box.
Specifies whether the POSIX processing must be performed or not.
no customized activation, each POSIX satellite is processed only if the product to which it pertains is already registered into the POSIX configuration file.
no POSIX satellite is processed.
each POSIX satellite is processed. The old value "*YES" is assumed to be "*ALL".
Installation is either immediate and automatic or deferred for start by user. The procedure name is reported after the file is generated or during the automatic start (start with the job name INSTALL).
Installation is immediate and automatic.
The installation process (placement and activation) is introduced by starting the installation procedure (ENTER-PROCEDURE). The installation procedure can be run interactively (CALL-PROCEDURE), but this is time-consuming.
Delete/do not delete installation files that are no longer needed (files of the parked release items and SYSRMS files).
Value specified in the WORK-FILE-DELETING record of the used IMON parameter file, if any specified; *YES assumed otherwise (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details).
Do not delete the files after installation. This means that parked software can be installed a number of times.
Delete the specified files after they are processed successfully.
Specifies if all metadata required for restoration to the original state before installation (Undo function, see the UNDO-SUPPLY-UNITS statement) are to be saved in separate files (Undo files).
Value specified in the UNDO-PREPARATION record of the used IMON parameter file, if any specified; *NO assumed otherwise (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details).
The metadata is saved in Undo files.
RETENTION-PERIOD = 30 / <integer 0..999 days>
Specifies after how many days the Undo files may be changed or deleted. The default value is a retention period of 30 days.
Specifies the data media used to save the data with ARCHIVE.
The data media to be used are administered in an ARCHIVE directory. An accordingly free data medium from this directory is used.
NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Name of the ARCHIVE directory.
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Device type of the data medium.
The data medium to be used is specified explicitly.
VOLUME = <vsn>
VSN of the data medium.
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Device type of the data medium.
The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC, where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME, <customer ID> is the value of the operand USER-CODE and <work file ID> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
Data are saved with LMS/LMSCONV into a PLAM library Library name: <work-file-location>.IMON.UNDO.LIB.<package> , where <package name> is the value of the operand PACKAGE-NAME and <work file location> is the current file location setting for work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").
Specifies whether the software configuration is to be checked.
Value specified for the specified pubset of the target system in the CONFIGURATION-CHECK record of the used IMON parameter file, if any specified; *YES assumed otherwise. (cfr section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" for more details).
PARAMETER-FILE = *STD / *NO / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Specifies wether a parameter file with predefined default values for some installation parameters has to be used or not. See section "IMON parameter file for default installation parameters" ) for more details.
A customer-specific parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.<kkz> or the file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON are always evaluated (see section "IMON parameter file for optional installation functions" ).
If they exist, the standard parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.LAST and the customerspecific parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.<kkz> (resp. $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON) are used. In the case of entries which are contained in both files, the value from the parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.LAST is used.
The parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.LAST is ignored. A customer-specific parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.<kkz> or the file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON is always evaluated.
PARAMETER-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Specification of a specific user parameter file.
Additionally, $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.<user-code> or the file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON will be evaluated. The parameter file $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.LAST is ignored.
Delivery information files:
If DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME is specified, the delivery information from data volume is stored at the saving location for work files. Existing files with the same names are overwritten.
The saving location is registered in the SCI so that they can be used again later. If DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM is specified, the distribution medium (*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME/*LIBRARY) and the values for VOLUME and DEVICE-TYPE that also have to be specified for *SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME are restored from the SCI. The stored delivery information enables you to use cataloged files for saving accesses to data volume/library.The acknowledge for systems support is printed automatically each time when the delivery is opened from the delivery medium (*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME/*LIBRARY).
If DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*LOCAL-VOLUME the delivery has already been saved on another data volume (e.g. virtual volume of a CentricStor). In this case, the specified VSN and device type are used for access to the installation files and the entries in the product movement file are ignored. However, only files from the specified volume can be processed.
When opening a new SOLIS2 delivery using INSTALL-UNITS, PARK-UNITS or PRINT-DOCUMENTATION, the delivery is registered in the SCI and the working files used by the current IMON version (e. g. SOLPAR.IMON.<ver>.GEN) are extracted on the workfile location.
When a SOLIS2 delivery which is already registered is opened again, the delivery information and work files used at the original open time are used again to save unnecessary accesses to the delivery medium (MTC/Plam library).New IMON versions can use the AUSGEN file (SOLPAR.IMON.<ver>.GEN) from older versions without any problem, but in this case new functions provided in the new IMON version with the help of the AUSGEN file are not available.
For this reason, the following process may be necessary:
When a new version of IMON is installed (from the BS2GA.IMON *3 delivery) and supply units from the same delivery and using the same work file location are still to be processed (park or installation, process), it is useful to install BS2GA.IMON from this delivery again with the newly installed IMON version in order to extract the new IMON environment and so to activate possible new otional functions for these remaining units.
New features of IMON V3.3A (*NP item type, POSIX-PROCESSING = *BY-CONFIGURATION-FILE) are ignored by previous version of IMON. Therefore the SOLIS-deliveries including release item of type *NP must include the AUSGEN procedure of IMON V3.3A and must be installed with IMON V3.3A.Operand UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...):
With this function, a supply unit which has already been installed and tested on a test system, is moved to the productive system and installed. It is a prerequisite that the original installation files (especially the product transfer file A.SOLIS.B.<paketname>.<kundenkennzeichen>) are present on the work file ID. This method of installation offers the same installation functions as the standard installation (from a SOLIS2 delivery), but is different in the following respects:
For the target system version, only the version for which the supply unit has already been installed can be stated.
The installation files are copied from the system which has already been installed.
The RMS files are not processed. No depot update is carried out and no REP loaders are created. The REP loaders are copied from the system that has already been installed.
In contrast to UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI(...) only supply units that have a customer approval ID are selected. Customers set the approval ID using the SET-CUSTOMER-APPROVAL statement to release the supply unit with a defined quality standard for installation in production systems. IMON resets the customer approval ID if installation operations change an installation item of a released supply unit. A delta installation is then performed for the selected supply units; in other words, only those installation items that have an older installation timestamp in the target system are installed.
Installation cannot be performed unless the following conditions are fulfilled for all selected supply units.
The change date of the supply unit must be earlier than the approval time (timestamp of the customer approval ID).
Installation on the source pubset must have taken place after installation on the target pubset.
The correction status on the source pubset must be higher than that on the target pubset.
The product movement files must be available on the work file ID.
RMS processing is unnecessary during installation. Only the REP loaders are copied from the source pubset to the target system.
This installation function should only be used if the installation on the source and target pubset is for the same target version.
The files of a new delivery can therefore overwrite existing files and these files can differ from delivery to delivery. If the statement is called using the DELIVERY-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM operand, problems can arise if the cataloged delivery information does not match the delivery. In this case, the files should be read from MTC.
If FORCE-LOCATION=*MINIMUM is specified, the stipulated user IDs are used, where necessary. A user ID specified for a non-standard installation is used for other items. Users must therefore accept the fact that their items do not necessarily appear under the user ID which they specified.
If FORCE-LOCATION=*YES is specified, stipulated user IDs are ignored. A user ID that is specified for a non-standard installation is used for all items. There is no guarantee that the installed products will operate properly.
The statement is rejected without action and an error message is displayed in the following cases:
The value *BY-DIALOG was specified in batch mode.
The target system version is not [V]19.0, [V]20.0 or [V]21.0.
The user ID specified as the saving location for work files using MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS cannot be accessed or does not have sufficient space.
DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM was specified and there is no SOLIS2 delivery with the specified package name and customer ID in the SCI.
The delivery information does not exist or cannot be accessed:
DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDUM was specified, but the delivery information file does not exist or cannot be accessed.
DISTRIBUTION-MEDUM=*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME was specified, but the specified data volume or the specified device does not exist or cannot be accessed, or the delivery information file cannot be copied from data volume to the current user ID.
DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*LIBRARY was specified, but the corresponding PLAM library does not exist on the current user ID or cannot be accessed, or the delivery information file cannot be retrieved from the library and copied to the current user ID.
The delivery information cannot be successfully processed by IMON.
The product movement file belonging to the specified SOLIS2 delivery or to the registered SOLIS2 delivery does not contain any of the supply units that were specified by the user.
The specified parameter file does not exist, cannot be opened, or has the wrong format.
An installation procedure was already generated for one or more of the supply units specified by the user. The installation status is set to “being installed”.
The input list contains duplicate supply units, i.e. units with the same values or key words for one of the identification parameters.
An installation parameter is not correct (e.g. non-existing user ID)
The IMON-BAS generation procedure required for the specified target system version is not available in the delivery. The following scenarios can arise:
- The target system version [V]19.0, [V]20.0 requires a generation procedure with IMON-BAS >= V3.3.
- The target system version [V]21.0 and higher requires a generation procedure with IMON-BAS >= V3.4.
An installation batch job is aborted in the following cases:
An installation user ID is not defined (deleted after the batch job is created).
REPLACE-OLD-FILES=*NO was specified and a supply unit must be installed under the name of an existing file.
If there is already a file under the standard installation path in which a supply unit is to be stored, there are two possibilities: Either the supply unit can be installed anywhere and IMON generates a new installation path, or the supply unit cannot be installed anywhere and IMON does not install the supply unit. Existing files must either be deleted manually, or REPLACE-OLD-FILES=*MINIMUM must be specified.
A file that has to be overwritten is password-protected, but no password file was specified.
A file that has to be overwritten is password-protected, but a specified password file does not contain the necessary password commands or contains incorrect commands.
An existing file cannot be overwritten (e.g. it may be locked).
You should avoid running a number of installation processes at the same time since processes may be blocked when attempts are made to access shared resources. For example, global files are locked while they are being merged.
If parked files are to be deleted after installation, these files are regarded as being no longer parked as soon as the batch job for the installation has been generated.
If a number of installations are run at the same time, the “Being Installed” and “Installed” states can overwrite each other.
IMON parameter file:
If there is a customer-specific IMON parameter file with the default name $TSOS.SYSPAR.IMON.<customer ID>, then IMON also evaluates the parameters in this file (see also section "IMON parameter files").
Undo files are only generated when UNDO-PREPARATION=*PARAMETERS(...) is explicitly specified. The metadata saved in these files are required for the restoration to the original state (Undo function). A different volume is used for every UNDO preparation if data saving on a data volume is selected.
Because of the wide range of application options and customer-specific dependencies, conversion of a SOLIS2 delivery to a LOCAL-VOLUME must be performed manually. Please proceed as described in the example below:
Only when robots are used:
Import the SOLIS2-VOLUME to the foreign cartridge area of ROBAR using the RO-BAR-SDF command “ADD-ROBAR-VOLUME” including the declaration of the position in the real archive (e.g. 05)
Only when MAREN is used:
Import the SOLIS2-VOLUME to the MAREN catalog using the MARENADM statement
Convert a SOLIS2 delivery to a LOCAL-VOLUME:
In the case of continuation tapes, a FILES statement must be issued for each MTC. Here vsn1 and vsnx are the Volume Serial Numbers (VSNs) of the SOLIS2 delivery (see delivery note).
If the delivery is to be copied to a predefined VSN (e.g. when a VSN is reserved using MAREN), the entry in the ARCHIVE job must be changed from “=POOL” to “=<vsn>”.
Only when robots are used:
Export the SOLIS2-VOLUME from the foreign cartridge area of ROBAR with the RO-BAR statement //REMOVE-ROBAR-VOLUME
Interactive selection of supply units
The operand value SUPPLY-UNITS= *BY-DIALOG in the INSTALL-UNITS statement displays a selection window. Subsequent selections are made interactively and in dialog boxes.
The choice of supply units depends on the delivery information. If the delivery information is from data volume, all supply units of a delivery can be selected.
If the delivery information is from an SCI, you can select only those supply units that have not yet been installed. Exception: If the supply units were installed without deleting the work files, they can be selected again for installation. Supply units are selected interactively by entering any character in front of each desired supply unit.
It is now possible to install the same supply unit for the same system multiple times using the *REGISTERED-MEDIUM functionality (e.g. after deleting a file of the supply unit by mistake). Moreover, the "Installed" status of a supply unit will now be set only in the SCI of the system where the supply unit is effectively installed and no longer in the SCI from where the installation is triggered (where it remains unchanged).
IMON: SOLIS2 delivery: Package name: <package-name> User code: SOL2P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Units 1 through 5 of 5 SU selection More: Unit name Version Corr state X EDT 17.0 D30 X OPENFT 12.1 C10 X OPENFT-CR 12.1 B10 X PERCON 02.9 C00 X SORT 08.0 A30 *** End of SU selection *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command ==> F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Previous F6=Next F7=Backward F8=Forward F10=Menu ...
Figure 57: Interactive selection of supply units
Interactive selection is only part of the *BY-DIALOG operand value. It is different from the similar looking screen which is displayed when you select the Open option in the File menu in menu mode.
Press [DUE] when you have finished selecting the supply units.
Interactive selection is not available in batch mode.