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SET-CMD-CODE statement


Format of the statement for changing the authorization code of an operator command






Authorization code for the command

,CMD-NAME = cmd

Long form of the command name

The new authorization code for the command (a character from the set A-Z, 0-9, *, #, @ or $).
This authorization code defines the matching key which the issuer of the command must supply (in the form of the character of the same name, also called routing code) before the command can be used. For special functions of authorization codes @ and $, see table 45 in section "Functional areas and their allocation to consoles".

CMD-NAME = cmd
The command name (original or long form) for which the entry in the operator command table is to be amended.
This name may be up to 30 characters long and must conform to the conventions on the naming of commands (in SDF syntax: <structured-name 1..30>).
The assigned authorization code (AUTHORIZATION-CODE) is also valid for the alias name assigned to the command. This also applies to the so-called special operator commands logged on with the ADD-CMD-ENTRY statement.