With the aid of one or more startup parameter files, various software components are supplied with data during startup.
The following parameters are read in and passed on to the appropriate routines. Shown in parentheses are the “keywords” used in the parameter statements for identification of the software components.
for the accounting system (ACCOUNT, "Starting the accounting system (ACCOUNT)")
for commissioning dynamic subsystem management (DSSM, "Startup of dynamic subsystem management (DSSM)")
for determining the system time and the universal world time (GTIME, "System time control (GTIME)"). GTIME parameters must be specified. If the GTIME parameters are not preset, the operator will have to respond to a question each time the system is initialized.
for modifying the configuration state (IOCONF, "IOCONF parameter record")
for presetting NK-ISAM (ISAM, "Preset values for NK-ISAM (ISAM)")
for determining the TSN mode (JMS, "Defining TSN mode (JMS)")
for administering the memory space (MEMORY, "Memory management (MEMORY)")
for defining the console configuration, amending console attributes, assigning routing codes and filter levels, and suppressing particular messages at consoles (OPR, "Configuration and suppressing the output of messages at consoles (OPR)")
for assigning the paging area on startup (PAGING, "Selection of the paging area at startup (PAGING)")
for snapshot initialization (SNAP, "Snapshot initialization (SNAP)")
for modifying system parameters (SYSOPT-CLASS2, "Modifying system parameters (SYSOPT-CLASS2)")
for modifying the system installation preset values (SYSOPT-IPL, "Modifying the IPL options (SYSOPT-IPL)")
for defining the parameters for the data communication system (BCAM)
for defining the security officer when SECOS is used (SRPM)
configuration data for VM2000 (VM2000)
The parameter records are described below in alphabetical order.
Exceptions: BCAM and VM2000 are described in the related product manuals and SRPM in the “SECOS” manual “Access Control” [46].