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Modifying the IPL options (SYSOPT-IPL)


The parameter record SYSOPT-IPL provides systems support with an appropriate mechanism for avoiding the rigid choice between flexibility and convenience which has to be made in selecting one of the modes (DIALOG / FAST).

The DIALOG mode offers to systems support staff and the operator an advantageous way of flexibly installing new software or corrections, by means clear dialog with the operating system. However, when this is used allowance must be made for the increased execution time and a higher risk of incorrect entries, made in response to the questions.
On the other hand, the convenient FAST mode, which is non-interactive, does not allow sufficient flexibility in reacting to changed requirements (implementation of new software or corrections), as it is restricted to the use of standard file names.

By using the options of the parameter record SYSOPT-IPL, systems support can store specific instructions for how the parameter file is to be processed at system initialization time, thus providing a compromise between the FAST and DIALOG modes.
Statements of the SYSOPT-IPL type are read in and processed immediately before the BS2000 class 1 exec is loaded (for full details of the execution of system initialization, see the section "FAST startup" and section "DIALOG startup").

The keyword for modifying the IPL options is SYSOPT-IPL.
The maximum number of permissible parameter records is 16.

Format of the parameter record for modifying IPL options



BS2000 = file

File name for BS2000

IOCF-CHECK = NO / time

Instructions for checking the IOCF identification

REPFILE1 = datei
REPFILE4 = datei

File name for class 1/2 REPs


Instructions for activating the function LINKAGE-AUDIT


Instructions for changing the system initialization mode

BS2000 = file
This statement specifies the name of the file containing the BS2000 class 1 EXEC and class 2 EXEC to be loaded. If this statement is present in the parameter file, the nominated file will be used for loading the resident (class 1) and pageable (class 2) parts of the control system.

If the specified file cannot be processed, this will be reported by the following message and a dialog request will be made for entry of the name of a replacement file:

This statement specifies whether or not a check is to be made on the identification (= generation time) of the current IOCF. This statement enables systems support to ensure that the IOCF (hardware I/O configuration) selected by the operator when starting up the server (IMPL) is the IOCF created at exactly a certain time.

Default setting: the identification of the current IOCF will not be checked.

A check is to be made on whether the generation time of the current IOCF, logged in the I/O-CONFIGURATION-REPORT for the IOGEN, corresponds with the specified time. The value <time> must be entered in the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. If the requested check proves negative, this will be indicated by the following message:
NSI5206 IOCF-CHECK FAILED. GEN-TIME REQ.=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        IS=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

REPFILE[1..4] = file
The REPFILE1, REPFILE2, REPFILE3 and REPFILE4 statements are used to specify the file names of the up to four possible files containing BS2000 REPs (object code corrections) which are to be processed. If this statement appears in the parameter file, the specified files will be used for loading the corrections during system initialization in all modes, in the order REPFILE1 to REPFILE4.
If the specified file(s) cannot be processed, this will be reported by the following message and a dialog request will be made for entry of the name of a replacement file:

This statement can be used to control whether the AUDIT functional unit, linkage AUDIT, which records the destination addresses when the instructions BASR, BALR and BASSM are called, is to be activated immediately after the class 1 exec is loaded, with a specified scope.
The linkage AUDIT function can be used to support diagnosis of problems which may have arisen during an earlier phase of system initialization (local processor linkage AUDIT). If the system parameter AUDALLOW=NO is set, then the AUDIT functions are deactivated for the duration of the session when the class 2 system parameters are set.
If required, the linkage AUDIT function can be deactivated again after “System ready” by a STOP-LINKAGE-AUDIT command.

Default setting: the logging function is not activated.

Recording of destination addresses will only be activated for the SIH part of BS2000 (functional status SIH).

Recording of destination addresses will be activated for the complete privileged-execution part of BS2000 (functional statuses TPR and SIH).

This statement can be used to specify whether the system initialization mode selected by the operator is to continue being used after the parameter file has been read in, or if the mode is to be changed to FAST.

Default setting: there will be no change from the mode established at the start of system initialization.

If system initialization was started in the DIALOG mode, it will be continued in the non-interactive FAST mode after the parameter file has been read in.

Extract from the parameter file

BS2000=$TSOS.SYSPRG.BS2.<ver>.TEST1                             1.
REPFILE1=$TSOS.SYSREP.BS2.<ver>.REP1                            2.
NEW-IPL-MODE=FAST                                               3.
  1. The file name for the BS2000 class 1 exec and class 2 exec to be loaded during system initialization is $TSOS.SYSPRG.BS2.<ver>.TEST1.

  2. Declares that the system should read in the object code corrections for the following session from the files called $TSOS.SYSREP.BS2.<ver>.REP1 and

  3. If system initialization was started in DIALOG mode, it is to be continued in the non-interactive FAST mode after the parameter file has been read in.