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Starting the accounting system (ACCOUNT)


The accounting system can be activated during system initialization or later by means of the START-ACCOUNTING command if the necessary statements are issued via the parameter service. For this purpose, systems support must provide the corresponding data in the parameter file with the default name SYSPAR.BS2.<ver>[.<name>].

If the accounting system is activated via the parameter service and the accounting file resides on a pubset other than the home pubset, the following problem may occur: the file cannot be opened because importation of this pubset has not been completed. For this reason the accounting file should be on the home pubset.

The keyword for the BEGIN record is ACCOUNT.
The maximum number of permissible parameter records is 16.

The parameter record begins with the START-ACCOUNTING or STOP-ACCOUNTING statement. The statements and their associated operands can be abbreviated, provided they remain unique.


The /START-ACCOUNTING statement activates the accounting procedure; here, the same operands can be specified as for the command START-ACCOUNTING.

Format of the parameter record for starting the accounting system





[NAME = *STD / file] [,SPACE = STD / (primary,secondary)]

[,BLKSIZE = STD / (*STD,n)] [,VOLUME = *STD / vsn]

[,ALT[ERNATIVE-FILES] = *NONE / file / (file,...)]

[,SET[-RECORD-TYPE] = *STD / *ALL / record / (record,...)]

[,ADD[-RECORD-TYPE] = *NONE / record / (record,...)]

[,REMOVE[-RECORD-TYPE] = *NONE / record / (record,...)]


[,JOB-CLASS = *NONE / *ALL / job-class / (job-class,...)]

The START-ACCOUNTING statement may be distributed over several lines by using the continuation character (hyphen).

All continuation lines must be terminated in a syntactically correct manner, since each one is checked by the system separately. For this reason, the same operands may be specified more than once for the START-ACCOUNTING statement.

Since it might not be possible to fit all the values of a list in one line, the operands ADD-RECORD-TYPE, REMOVE-RECORD-TYPE and ALTERNATE-FILES have an additive effect. The list can then be continued in the next line using the same operands (the SET-RECORD-TYPE operand is continued using the operand ADD-RECORD-TYPE).


The /STOP-ACCOUNTING statement prevents accounting records from being collected during the session.

Extract from the parameter file

/START-ACCOUNTING NAME=$RZ.,-                                     1.
SPACE=(99,99),-                                                   2.
SET=*ALL,JOB-CLASS=*ALL                                           3.
  1. The accounting file is cataloged under user ID RZ with the default name SYS.ACCOUNT.<date>.xxx.nn, where <date> may be specified in the form or yyyy-mm-dd, depending on the setting of the system parameter FMTYFNLG.

  2. The primary and secondary memory allocations are 99 PAM blocks each.

  3. All accounting records are written and the data of all job classes is to be recorded periodically in the accounting file.

See also chapter "Accounting" for more information on the BS2000 accounting system.