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Shared pubsets in the XCS network


The XCS network (cross-coupled system) provides closer coordination of the participating systems. Each system has a consistent and complete view of the total network. The XCS network thus provides mechanisms for implementing distributed applications. It is conceived mainly as a high availability and load network for BS2000. Among other things, the user is offered the following functions which are important in the DMS environment:

  • Distributed lock manager (DLM)

    Implements a global system lock management, thereby supporting global system synchronization and serialization. It is the basis of SFS.

  • Shared file system (SFS)

    Allows global system updating of files on shared pubsets, which are not necessarily XCS pubsets, within the XCS network. In HIPLEX MSCF, this global shared update is supported for the block or byte stream-oriented access methods UPAM, FASTPAM and DIV.

An XCS network must fulfill more extensive requirements than a shared pubset network:

  • A system can only belong to one XCS network

  • The participants must be fully meshed, i.e. MSCF connections must exist between all systems in the network

  • At least one XCS pubset must belong to the XCS network and all systems must have access paths to it

An XCS pubset is used as the central depository for data required throughout the network. XCS pubsets are imported automatically by the system.

The SHOW-XCS-PUBSET can be used to display information on the XCS pubset.

The SHOW-XCS-OCCUPATION command can be used to display the TU tasks currently using XCS.