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Defining a monitoring job variable


A monitoring job variable (MONJV) can be defined when the MSGMAKER routine is started.

While the routine is executing, the operating system sets the status indicator (the first three bytes of the job variable) to the value

  • $R: The routine is running.

Once the routine has terminated, the status indicator can assume the following values:

  • $T: The routine was terminated successfully.

  • $A: The routine was terminated abnormally due to a program error or a defined error exit.

On termination of the routine, one of the following values is assigned to the fourth byte of the job variable:

  • 0: The routine executed without errors or warnings.

  • 1: The routine executed without errors but with warnings.

  • 3: The routine executed with errors.

MSGMAKER does not assign a value to bytes five through seven of the job variable.

For further information on monitoring job variables, see the “JV” manual [16 (Related publications)].