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Special features of statements in menu mode


In menu mode, the user enters statements in the three-line command area of the mask. The user can enter the operands consecutively, without continuation characters in these lines. The input is confirm by pressing the DUE key. Once all the operands have been entered correctly, the function is executed in the background; the fields of the current mask remain unchanged.

If a statement is entered with incorrect syntax, the user has the opportunity to correct the input in an SDF guided dialog.
Similarly, MSGMAKER reacts to missing operands by branching either to the SDF guided dialog or to the corresponding masks to allow the user to enter the required values. Once the function has been executed successfully, the calling mask is redisplayed

It is possible to apply the prompt function to the statement names entered instead of entering operands directly in the command area. In other words, pressing function key F2 after making an entry in the command area calls the mask that corresponds to the statement. It allows the user to specify the missing operands in the mask. The user then presses DUE to confirm the input and execute the statement. For further information on the prompt function, see "General mask format".
Calling the mask and executing the statement does not change the fields of the original mask.

Statements that can be entered in the command area of the screen mask differ from the statements that can be used in batch jobs and procedures with regard to certain operands or operand values.

Notes on the operand value *PANEL-REQUEST

It is possible to assign the *PANEL-REQUEST operand value to all operands of the statements entered in the command area of the screen mask.
*PANEL-REQUEST switches to the mask whose "panel-id" is, in most cases, the same as the statement name. The current value of the operand is displayed in the mask and can be modified using further statements or screen functions.
*PANEL-REQUEST is always the default value if no other default value (underscored value) is specified for the operands described in the section “Statements”.


The following statement calls the MODIFY-MSG mask:


This mask displays all the message attributes, language identifiers and texts associated with the message code TST0001 that can be modified in the next operation.

The rest of this section describes only those statements whose operands can be assigned different or additional operand values in menu mode.

  • If an additional operand value is available, this is indicated as follows: e.g. ... / <alphanum-name 1..7 with-wild> / ... All operands which are not listed (indicated by ... ) are available both in menu mode and in batch jobs and procedures.

  • If an operand value in menu mode differs fundamentally from the operand value available in batch jobs and procedures, this is indicated clearly in the operand description.


  • The //MODIFY-OPTION and //OPEN-MSG-FILE statements are available only in command procedures.

  • Entering a question mark in the command area of a mask and then hitting DUE causes SDF to produce a selection from all available statements.

    If a standard message file of the manufacturer is open, it includes the following statements, which are reserved for internal use: