On each selected file, information as to its convertibility and any incompatibilities is requested.
CLASSIFY-FILE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Designates the user-defined direction of file conversion. This must be specified here because it influences the classification type.
Files are to be converted to NK format.
Files are to be converted from NK to K format.
FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54> / *LINK(...) / <partial-name 2..79 with-wild> / *ALL
Defines the files to be checked.
FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54>
Designates the fully qualified file name. Specification of a file generation is possible.
Identifies the files via a link name.
LINK-NAME = <filename 1..8 without-gen>
Specifies the link name.
FROM-FILE = <partial-filename 2..53 with-wild(79)>
Identifies the partially qualified file name with wildcard syntax.
All files of the user ID are to be checked.
Specifies whether the files to be classified are selected via specific selection criteria in addition to the partially qualified file name.
No additional selection criteria are specified for the source files.
Defines the selection criteria for the files to be classified.
Designates the creation date as a selection criterion.
The creation date is not used as a selection criterion. All files are taken into account for selection.
Files with a creation date within the specified interval are selected. The range limits are defined by the FROM and TO operands.
FROM = 0000-01-01 / *YESTERDAY / <date>
Files with a creation date equal to or later than the specified limit are selected.
FROM = 0000-01-01
The lower limit is the earliest possible date.
The lower limit is yesterday’s date. Files with a creation date ≥ yesterday’s date are selected.
FROM = <date>
The lower limit is the specified date. Files with a creation date ≥ the specified value are selected.
TO = *TODAY / *YESTERDAY / <date>
Files with a creation date equal to or earlier than the specified limit are selected.
The upper limit is the current date. Files with a creation date ≤ the current date are selected.
The upper limit is yesterday’s date. Files with a creation date ≤ yesterday’s date are selected.
TO = <date>
The upper limit is the specified date. Files with a creation date ≤ the specified value are selected.
Designates the date of the last file access as a selection criterion.
For the meaning of ANY, INTERVAL(...), <date>, TODAY and YESTERDAY see the CREATION-DATE operand.
SIZE = *ANY / <integer 0..16777215> / *INTERVAL(...)
Designates the file size as a selection criterion.
The file size is not used as a selection criterion.
SIZE = <integer 0..16777215>
Files with a size equal to the specified value are selected.
Files with a size within the specified range are selected. The range limits are defined by the FROM and TO operands.
FROM = 0 / <integer 0..16777215>
Files with a size ≥ the specified limit are selected.
FROM = 0
The lower limit is the absolute minimum.
FROM = <integer 0..16777215>
The lower limit is the specified size.
TO = 16777215 / <integer 0..16777215>
Files with a size ≤ the specified limit are selected.
TO = 16777215
The upper limit is the absolute maximum.
TO = <integer 0..16777215>
The upper limit is the specified size.
FILE-STRUCTURE = *ANY / list-poss(3): *SAM / *ISAM / *PAM
Designates the access method as a selection criterion.
The access method is not used as a selection criterion.
Files with the SAM access method are selected.
Files with the ISAM access method are selected.
Files with the PAM access method are selected.
BLKSIZE = *ANY / <integer 1..16>
Designates the block size as a selection criterion.
The block size is not used as a selection criterion.
BLKSIZE = <integer 1..16>
Files with a block size equal to the specified value are selected.
Designates the block control attribute as a selection criterion.
The block control attribute is not used as a selection criterion.
Files with the block control attribute PAMKEY are selected.
Files with the block control attribute NO are selected.
Files with the block control attribute DATA are selected.
Files with the block control attribute DATA2K are selected.
Files with the block control attribute DATA4K are selected.
The output destination is determined by the OUTPUT operand of the MODIFY-LOGGING-OPTIONS statement.
The results of the check are output to SYSLST in the following form (line length up to 132 characters):
%//CLASSIFY-FILE FROM-FILE=>from-file< % CLASSIFY-FILE >from-file< DIRECTION = >direction< % % FILENAME ! PAM- !FCB- !CONVER-! INCOMPATIBILITIES ! % ! PAGES !TYPE !TIBLE ! ! % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 1< ..................... ! >size< !>fcb<!>yesno<! >reason< ! % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 2< ..................... ! >size< !>fcb<!>yesno<! >reason< ! % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 3< ..................... ! >size< !>fcb<!>yesno<! >reason< ! % ! ! ! ! ! % ! ! ! ! ! % :CATID:$USERID.>filename n< ..................... ! >size< !>fcb<!>yesno<! >reason< ! % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % >n< FILE(S) LISTED
% CLASSIFY-FILE FROM-FILE=>from-file< % CLASSIFY-FILE >from-file< DIRECTION = >direction< % % FILENAME ! CONVER- ! % ! TIBLE ! % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 1< ................................ ! >yesno< ! % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 2< ................................ ! >yesno< ! % :CATID:$USERID.>filename 3< ................................ ! >yesno< ! % % % :CATID:$USERID.>filename n< ................................ ! >yesno< ! % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % >n< FILE(S) LISTED
Meanings of the output fields:
| File names specified in the CLASSIFY-FILE statement. | ||||||||
| Conversion direction specified in the CLASSIFY-FILE statement | ||||||||
| Name of the file checked | ||||||||
| Size of the file checked | ||||||||
| FCB type of the file checked | ||||||||
| Total number of files checked | ||||||||
| File convertibility information. Possible values:
| ||||||||
| Reason for incompatibility. Possible values: NONE No incompatibilities, file is convertible. RECSIZE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM The record length exceeds the maximum value determined by BLKSIZE. The file can be converted by increasing the blocking factor. RECSIZE EXCEEDS MAX(NK2) The record length would exceed the maximum value determined by BLKSIZE on NK2 pubsets. It is possible to convert to NK4 pubsets. PLAM(NK4) NO CONVERT PLAM libraries with BLKSIZE > 2 are not converted with PAMCONV. FILE ALREADY IN KEY-FORMAT The file is already in K format. The file in K format cannot be converted to K format. FILESIZE INCREASES The formation of overflow blocks increases the size of the target file, the file is convertible. KEYPOS IN OVERFLOW-BLOCK The ISAM key would have to be stored in an overflow block. The file can be converted by increasing the blocking factor. LMR-LIBRARY File is an LMR library, i.e. it is not convertible. PAMKEY IS USED The file makes use of the user part of the PAM key, file is not convertible PAMKEY CONTAINS SPECIAL FLAG The file contains X'01' or X'80' only in byte 1 of the user part of the PAM key. The file is convertible. |