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RESTART-RENAMING - Restart conversion or renaming


This statement restarts and completes an abnormally terminated or interrupted conversion of pubset notations or renaming of pubsets or volume sets.

If the processing of the RENAME-PUBSET-OR-VOLUME-SET statement terminates abnormally, the pubset or volume set is in an inconsistent state. One part of the data (e.g. the file catalog) has been modified, the other part (e.g. the VSN in the SVL) still has the old contents.

An inconsistency of this kind can be corrected using the RESTART-RENAMING statement. In doing so, the requested conversion or renaming is carried out so that the pubset can receive the specified new catalog ID.

Prerequisite for a successful restart is that the original disk configuration was not changed. A so-called logging file is also necessary; PVSREN automatically creates this file at the start of conversion or renaming and deletes it again on normal termination. This file contains all the data that is required for a restart of the aborted function.

The logging file is created under the user ID TSOS by default and has the name
SYSLOG.PVSREN.<catid-old>.<catid-new>. It must be password-protected and must not be deleted, renamed or modified.



FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54>


FROM-FILE = <filename 1..54>
Name of the logging file created for abnormally terminated or interrupted conversion or renaming.

The name of the file is SYSLOG.PVSREN.<catid-old>.<catid-new> and is always stored under the user ID TSOS.