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RESTORE-LABELS-OF-PUBSET - Restoring the names of a pubset from mirror pubsets in double-point notation


After a pubset has been restored from a mirror pubset in “double-point notation” (SPECIAL-VSN), this statement is used to rename the pubset’s VSN in POINT or PUB notation.

All disks belonging to a particular unit are reserved one after the other, and the double-point notation is replaced by point or PUB notation.

If the renaming process is aborted, it is possible to initiate a restart at any time. If this occurs, a warning is output for each disk already renamed, indicating that this disk is not in doublepoint notation. If a required disk is in neither double-point nor standard notation, the session is terminated. In this case, the missing disk must be made available and the renaming process restarted.



CATID = <catid 1..4>


CATID = <catid 1..4>
Catalog ID of the SF pubset.