This manual first provides an introduction to EDT, followed by a description of files and library elements as well as the use and creation of EDT procedures. It also provides an overview of all the EDT statements together with a detailed description and a large number of examples.
The extensions to the compatibility mode and the way it interacts with Unicode mode are presented in a separate chapter.
This manual covers the following individual topics:
Modified and new functionality in EDT V17.0A
major changes and important new features in EDT V17.0A
Introduction to the new functionality.Underlying EDT concepts
The fundamental concepts and mechanisms on which EDT is based.
This includes the handling of work files, operations involving lines, character sets and EDT variables as well as the use of EDT procedures.Running EDT
The EDT start command. Starting, interrupting and terminating an EDT session.Monitoring the EDT session, input/output, job switches and access protection.
EDT work modes
File processing in F mode: screen-oriented operation of EDT, description of the statement codes and statements which can only be used in F mode.
File processing in L mode: line-oriented operation.File processing
Processing of all the file types supported by EDT: ISAM, SAM, POSIX files and libraries.
EDT statements
A thematically organized overview of the statements. Presentation of the metasyntax, statement syntax and operand syntax.
EDT statements in alphabetical order accompanied by numerous examples.In many statements, the subdivision and designation of the formats is now clearer than the presentation in the EDT V16.6B manual. However, these changes are simply modifications to the presentation which do not reflect any technical differences.
Compatibility mode
Description of the extensions to the compatibility mode and the way it interacts with Unicode mode. New statements in compatibility mode.
EDT messages
List of all the EDT messages together with their meanings and the actions to be taken in response to them.
Requirements and procedures for the installation and start-up of EDT V17.0A.