The user can start the daemons of the components of interNet Services individually. The corresponding procedures are installed in the /usr/sbin or /etc/init.d/ directory.
The start calls are:
For DNS: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.dns start or /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named start
For NTP: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp start
For OpenSSH: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.openssh start
Restart calls are also provided for all daemons and are required if a modified configuration file is to be read in during a session.
The restart calls are:
For DNS: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.dns restart or /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named restart
For NTP: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp restart
For OpenSSH: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.openssh restart
During the restart procedure, a check is carried out to establish whether the corresponding daemon has been started. If no active daemon is found, a normal restart is carried out.