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Shutting down


The shutdown calls are:

  • For DNS: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.dns stop or /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named stop

  • For NTP: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp stop

  • For OpenSSH: /etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.openssh stop

The shutdown only applies until the POSIX subsystem is terminated. If an automatic restart is to be prevented when the POSIX subsystem is restarted, the daemons’ programs must be made non-executable as described under the installation of the individual components. However, if required, a manual start can be performed with mstart instead of start.

All services installed on a component-by-component basis (DNS, NAMED, OPENSSH, NTP) are permanently deactivated by the POSIX uninstallation.