When the useSenderSuffix option (see "useSenderSuffix") is set appropriately, then the suffix specified with the senderSuffix option is used for the creation of the sender address, if this address hasn't been already specified otherwise. The address will be created through concatination of BS2000 user ID and suffix.
senderSuffix |
<suffix 1..128> |
<suffix 1..128>
For getting a valid mail address the suffix must contain a @ character. The typical form for this suffix will be @<fully qualified domain name>, e.g. @fujitsu.com, but it may be advisable to prepend a character string for distinction, e.g. as with
.BS2000@fujitsu.com. In the case of the user id TSOS the sender address TSOS.BS2000@fujitsu.com would be constructed. If the address built this way is not a valid e-mail address of the corresponding BS2000 user, then the generated bounce mails in case of mail delivery problems will get lost. Therefore one should contact the mail server administration for e.g. defining this mail address as an alias for a valid email address.