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The hash command enables or disables the indicator that shows the progress of a file transfer. If the indicator is enabled, then after the transfer of each block, the # (hash) character is output on the screen.
On starting FTP, hash is disabled. When hash is enabled, the block length being used isoutput. If FTP is called in batch mode, i.e. if task switch 1 is set, then hash has no effect.
The current setting of hash can be determined with the status command.
hash |
Query the names of local and remote working directories.
lpwd Local directory is :5:$TCPTEST.MAN. pwd 257 "/usr/tcptest/man/sam/from.bs2000" is current directory.
Enable the indicator. The FTP server function PORT is called implicitly with the append command.
hash Hash mark printing on (8192 bytes/hash mark). append sam.to.sinix.anton.upd anton 200 PORT command okay.
Transfer of the file, with output of the # character after each block of 8192 bytes.
##################################################### 226 Transfer complete. 109089 bytes sent in 12.83 seconds (8.30 Kbytes/s)