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help - Show information on FTP commands


The help command displays a list of all FTP commands. Brief information is also available on each of the commands.

The ? command also shows a list of all FTP commands. A list of all the functions of the FTP server on the remote host can be obtained by using the remotehelp command.


[ <command> ]


FTP command on which information is to be displayed.
If no FTP command is specified, a list of all FTP commands is shown.


  1. Request a list of all FTP commands.

    Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:
    !               modchar         mget            quote           set
    ?               file            mkdir           recv            status 
    append          form            mls             readopt         struct 
    ascii           ftyp            mlsd            reget           sunique
    bell            get             mlst            remotehelp      svar
    binary          glob            mode            rename          system 
    bye             hash            mput            reput           tenex
    ccc             help            open            rexit           trace
    cd              jobvar          passive         rmdir           type
    cdup            lcd             private         runique         user
    copymode        ldir            prompt          send            verbose
    close           lls             protect         sendport
    delete          lpwd            proxy           setcase
    debug           ls              put             setcode
    dir             mdelete         pwd             setfile
    exit            mdir            quit            settime
  2. Request brief information on mget.

    help mget
    mget get multiple files