You can use the mail reader to pick up and process e-mails in BS2000 via the access services (POP3 and IMAP).
Figure 8: Mail reader in BS2000
The mail reader offers you two options for further processing in BS2000:
The procedure interface
The programming interface
The mail reader provides you with two options for processing in BS2000:
Procedure interface
The mail reader provides you with the option of using procedures to access e-mail message headers, message body texts and attachments.
Programming interface
Via the C++ interface, an instance of a C++ class DwMessage
containing the complete email is passed to a function. To do this, you must write a C++ subprogram and link it to the modules of the mail reader.
The open-source library “mimelib”, which provides classes for easy access to the e-mail, is used to represent the e-mail at the software level. This library is part of KDE (the kdepim package) under the GP license and is based on “mime++” by Doug Sander.