When working with OpenSSH in a BS2000 environment, the special aspects described below must be borne in mind.
Prompt when the password is empty
Normal Unix systems do not request a password if they use login or slogin to log into an ID without a password. However, the POSIX rlogin requests a password to be entered even for an ID without a password. This behavior does not result in increased security, though, because it is at the same time possible to issue an rsh command without a password for the same ID.
Here OpenSSH behaves like the other Unix systems and does not ask for a empty password. However, as a login to IDs without a password is, by default, blocked in OpenSSH, in this case you must set the PermitEmptyPasswords directive in the configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to “yes”.
Upper/lower case in the user name
Unlike in Unix operating system, no distinction is made between upper and lower case in BS2000 and POSIX. Thus in BS2000 and POSIX the user “Username” can log on as “username”, “USERNAME” or “uSeRnAmE”. The name of the user who has logged on is recorded in the /var/adm/utmp file. You can use the who
command to have the user name displayed.
Whereas rlogin enters the user name in upper case, OpenSSH specifies the user name in lower case (as is usual in Unix operating systems).
Accessing DVS files via sftp
sftp can also access DVS files (SAM and PAM). To do so, add /BS2/ as a prefix to the respective file name when using the get or put command. In the case of files to be written, it is not generally implicitly clear which file properties they are to be given. An option based on the file command for the FTP is therefore available (see "file - Define file attributes on local host"), which enables you to specify these file properties by appending a list of operands to the file names separated by a comma.