E-mail constituent parts are substituted in accordance with the following keywords.
The standard e-mail headers listed below are substituted when they are enclosed in percentage signs (%...%).
You will find the associated description in the following RFCs:
RFC 822 or RFC 2822 (standard mail)
RFC 1036 (USENET messages)
RFC 2045 (MIME messages)
Bcc Cc Comments Date Encrypted From In-Reply-To Keywords Message-Id Received References Reply-To Resent-Bcc Resent-Cc Resent-Date Resent-From Resent-Message-Id Resent-Reply-To Resent-Sender Resent-To Return-Path | Sender Subject To Approved Control Distribution Expires Followup-To Lines Newsgroups Organization Path Summary Xref Content-Description Content-Id Content-Transfer-Encoding Cte (synonym: Content-Transfer-Encoding) Content-Type Mime-Version Content-Disposition |
The e-mail headers are only substituted when the header fields are contained in the e-mail.
The keyword “Text” is substituted with the message body text of the e-mail. The keyword “Header” is substituted with the header lines.
Note also that:
All line breaks are removed from the header.
No distinction is drawn between uppercase and lowercase.
Two percentage signs (%%) are substituted with a single percentage sign (%).
A backslash followed by a single quote (\’) and a double quote (”) are substituted with a single quote (’).
Parameters of selected header fields
To facilitate access to selected e-mail headers, the following additional substitutions are made:
The Type field of the Content-Type header
In the case of Content-Type: text/plain;name="filename.txt", it is text.
The Subtype field of the Content-Type header
In the case of Content-Type: text/plain;name="filename.txt", it is plain.
The name field of the Content-Type header
In the case of Content-Type: text/plain;name="filename.txt", it is "filename.txt".
The Filename field of the Content-Disposition header
In the case of Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filename.txt", it is "filename.txt".