This option enables you to switch the currently selected code tables with which the TELNET client converts EBCDIC to ISO characters (extended ASCII character set). TCP-IP-AP uses the XHCS services here, in other words only those code tables may be specified which are entered in XHCS as compatible (see the “XHCS” manual). In the event of a connection between two BS2000 systems it must be ensured that both systems use the same code tables.
Alternatively you can also select the -X option settings using the TELNET client command setcode (see "setcode - Change code tables").
-X |
<ebcdic-table>:<iso-table> |
<ebcdic-table> <iso-table>
Between the EBCDIC and ISO tables a code conversion table is generated with XHCS which is used by the TELNET client for all code conversions.
The code tables may not be entered in reverse order because this results in incorrect conversion tables being generated, which means no further data transfer is possible.
-X EDF045:ISO88595