The setcode command is used to change the current code tables with which the TELNET client converts from EBCDIC to ISO characters (extended ASCII character set). The services of XHCS are utilized for this purpose, so only the code tables that have been entered as compatible in XHCS may be specified here (see the “XHCS” manual). If a connection is set up between two BS2000 systems, it is important to ensure that both partners use the same code tables.
Alternatively you can define the settings of the setcode command using the -X option (see "Option -X - Switch code tables").
setcode |
<ebcdic-table> <iso-table> |
<ebcdic-table> <iso-table>
A code conversion table is generated with XHCS for conversion between EBCDIC and ISO codes. This conversion table is used by the TELNET client for all code conversions.
It is essential to ensure that the code tables are specified in the correct sequence; otherwise, invalid conversion tables will be created, and the file transfer will not be possible.
setcode EDF045 ISO88595
Since the BS2000 TELNET server supports only simple 7-bit terminals, this command is meaningless for connections to the BS2000 TELNET server.