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help - Show information on TELNET commands


This command returns information on a specific TELNET command or on all TELNETcommands.




TELNET command for which information is desired. If the operand is omitted, all the permitted TELNET commands are listed.


telnet>  help
Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:
open            connect to a site
close           close current connection
quit            exit telnet
!               BS2000 MCLP
escape          set escape character
status          print status information
options         toggle viewing of options processing
crmod           toggle mapping of received carriage returns 
trace           set socket trace level
help            print help information
setcode         change the codetables
send            send special commands ao/ip/ayt/nop
exit            set local exit
rexit           set remote exit
debug           set telnet trace
?               print help information
tls             switch on/off START-TLS Option
readopt         read Option File
auth            switch on/off AUTHENTICATION Option
encrypt         switch on/off ENCRYPTION Option