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open - Open connection to a remote host


The open command sets up a connection to a remote host. Either the name or the internet address of this host must be known. The host must either be part of the local network or be accessible via a gateway. The names and addresses of the hosts that can be reached via the open command can be obtained from the network administrator.

You can now log on to a remote BS2000 host with LOGON. If you enter the LOGON command without a password, BS2000 subsequently prompts the password with JMS0151. The input box for entering the password is non-displaying in TELNET.

After the connection has been correctly set up, line-oriented commands of the remoteoperating system can be entered (the user is in input mode). The connection is cleared by issuing the appropriate command to terminate the current process in the remote operating system.


<ipadr> | <remote-host> | local-host loopback [<port>]


Internet address (IPv4 or IPv6 address) of the remote host to which the connection is to be made:

  • An IPv4 address must be specified in the usual “decimal-dotted” notation.

  • An IPv6 address must be specified in the usual hexadecimal notation with a colon (:).


Symbolic name of the remote host to which the connection is to be made.


A separate Internet is generated for local-host that is not identical to the address of the user’s own host in the local network. This address is known only to the local host; other computers cannot use it.


loopback stands for the Internet address by means of which the local host can be accessed in the LAN.


Port number of the TELNET server. The TELNET server is assigned port number 23 by default.


The remote system is a Unix host.

  1. Open a connection to the Unix host systemd.

    open systemd
    Connected to systemd. 
    Escape character is '^]'. 
    ISO-codetable is ISO88591, EBCDIC-codetable is EDF041.
    local exits defined:  receive: -, send: -
    remote exits defined: receive: -, send: -
    Host name: systemd
  2. Login under the user ID guest.

    Continue by entering RETURN or MENUE