The -A option allows support of the AUTHENTICATION option to be enabled and disabled. In BS2000 the AUTHENTICATION option is currently only implemented for TLS. The settings required for TLS operation can thus be made with the aid of the -Z options (see "START-TLS option" ff).
Parallel support of the START-TLS option (-Z tls-required) and AUTHENTICATION option is meaningless. If the -A on and -Z tls-required options are specified simultaneously, the following error message is therefore issued:
Both START-TLS-Option and AUTHENTICATION-Option not allowed
Alternatively you can also select that the AUTHENTICATION option should be supported using the TELNET client command auth (see "auth - Enable/disable AUTHENTICATION option").
-A |
on | off | debug | status |
The AUTHENTICATION option is supported.
The AUTHENTICATION option is not supported.
off is the default.
The authentication trace is enabled.
Species the current status of the AUTHENTICATION option.