The -Z OpenSSLlibName option is used to define the LMS file from which the OpenSSL library should be dynamically loaded. The OpenSSL library is only dynamically loaded if at least one of the two options -Z tls-required or -A on is specified.
It may be necessary to specify a name other than the default name if, for example, the OpenSSL library is also used by other products.
Dynamic loading of the OpenSSL library can be expedited with the aid of DAB using caches. If the OpenSSL library is used jointly by a number of products, the size of the DAB buffer used is reduced.
-Z OpenSSLlibName |
=<file-name 1 .. 54> |
<file-name 1 .. 54>
Name of the LMS file from which the OpenSSL library is to be dynamically loaded.
Default is the LMS file referenced by TCP-IP-AP's IMON logical id SYSLNK or $.SYSLNK.TCP-IP-AP.nnn else.