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Administering printers and control print output (PADM)

You can use the KDCS call PADM to create program units which control the output of asynchronous messages on the printer and which administer printers. PADM functions are only able to administer printers which are assigned to a printer control LTERM.

Identifying printers during administration with PADM calls

Program units which are to control print output and administer printers must identify the printers uniquely. In order to be independent of the printer name, you must define a printer ID for every printer assigned to a printer control LTERM. The printer IDs are defined when the printers are entered in the configuration. The printer IDs must be unique in the printer control LTERM range.

A printer is rendered uniquely identifiable throughout an application by the name of the printer control LTERM to which it belongs and by virtue of its printer ID. Viewed in terms of the administration performed by the printer control LTERM, the printer ID provides adequate identification of the printer, e.g. when confirming printer output.

If you wish to control the print output of a printer, you do not need to send the printer ID of that printer to the program unit. It can be determined within a program unit with the help of PADM AI/PI calls.