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Supplying the fields of the data structure with data when passing data

The data structure fields used in the identification area, selection area and data area to pass data between UTM and the administration programs are all of the type "char". The square brackets following the name of the field contain the length of the field. If there are no square brackets, then the field is one byte long.

The following points should be observed when passing data between an administration program and UTM:

  • Names and keywords must be left-justified and any bytes left over to the right must be padded with spaces.
    The data passed to UTM can only contain uppercase letters, except for object names.

    Object names can also contain lowercase letters. The letters are not converted to uppercase. The requirements specified in section “Format and uniqueness of object names” must be observed when creating new objects using KC_CREATE_OBJECT.

    Example: The ptype (kc_pterm_str) field is 8 bytes long. ptype =APPLI would be stored as follows: APPLIbbb where b means blank.

  • The numerical data returned by UTM is stored right-justified with leading spaces. Left- and right-justified numerical data is accepted when data is passed from an administration program to UTM. Right-justified entries with leading spaces or zeroes are accepted. Left-justified entries can be terminated by the null byte (\0, if the field is sufficiently large) or padded with blanks.

    Example: The conn_users field (kc_max_par_str) is 10 bytes long. conn_users =155 can for example be passed as follows:
    'bbbbbbb155' or '0000000155' or '155\0' or '155bbbbbbb' where b means blank

  • Fields in the data structures in which no values are passed must be supplied with binary zeroes.