With KC_ENCRYPT, you can create a new application’s RSA key pair, replace an application’s RSA key pair by a new pair, delete an RSA key pair or read the public key of an RSA key pair.
UTM applications on BS2000 systems also support encryption for connections with some terminal emulations. However, these connections do not use the openUTM RSA key pair. Instead, a key pair generated by VTSU-B is employed. Consequently, changing the RSA key pair of openUTM has no effect whatsoever on encryption using VTSU-B.
You can only use this function, if the encryption functions are available for the application.
Encryption methods
openUTM offers encryption functions for passwords and user data (messages), in order to improve the security for connections between openUTM server applications and UPIC clients.
You will find further information on encryption in the openUTM manuals “Concepts and Functions” and “Generating Applications”.
Functional scope of KC_ENCRYPT
An RSA key pair that is valid for a specific encryption level is used for all client connections that use this encryption level. For reasons of security, you should therefore replace the RSA key pairs of your UTM application by new key pairs at regular intervals. With Encryption Level 5, the server's RSA key is only used to sign the server's Diffie-Hellman public key so that the client can uniquely assign this key to the server. This procedure, longer use of the RSA key is less critical.
For connections with Encryption Level 5, RSA keys with 2048 bits are also used, which corresponds to RSA keys of Encryption Level 4.
For this purpose, KC_ENCRYPT offers the following functions:
Create a new RSA key pair
KC_ENCRYPT with subopcode1=KC_CREATE_KEY makes UTM generate a new RSA key pair. However, UTM does not use this new key pair for encryption, before you activate it by dispatching a further KC_ENCRYPT call (with subopcode1=KC_ACTIVATE_KEY).
You cannot create a new key pair unless the key pair last created with the same encryption level has already been activated with subopcode1=KC_ACTIVATE_KEY or has been deleted with subopcode1=KC_DELETE_KEY, i.e. there must be no not yet activated key pair of the same encryption level for the application.
Delete a key pair
You use KC_ENCRYPT with subopcode1=KC_DELETE_KEY to delete a key pair that has not yet been activated. You use KC_ENCRYPT with subopcode1 = KC_DELETE_ACTIVE_KEY to delete an activated key pair.
You can delete activated key pairs of encryption level 4 only. Activated key pairs of encryption level 3 are always needed by openUTM.
Activate a previously created RSA key pair
KC_ENCRYPT with subopcode1=KC_ACTIVATE_KEY causes an RSA key pair currently being used to be replaced by a RSA key pair created using KC_ENCRYPT, i.e. the next time a connection is established to an appropriately generated client, the public key of the new RSA key pair is transmitted to the client.
Read a public key
You can read the public key of an RSA key pair that was last created and that is not activated yet using KC_ENCRYPT subopcode1=KC_READ_NEW_PUBLIC_KEY. KC_ENCRYPT subopcode1=KC_READ_ACTIV_PUBLIC_KEY allows you to read the public key of an currently active RSA key pair.
This function gives you added possibilities of increasing data security on your connection:
In order for a client to be able to verify whether the public key received via the connection to the UTM application actually truly comes from that UTM application, you should read the public key, transfer it to the client using a different way and deposit it there.
When the UTM application transmits the public key to the client the next time a connection is established, the client can compare the transmitted key with the one already stored.
It is therefore advisable to transmit the public key of a newly created RSA key pair to all clients involved, i.e. all clients that support message encryption.
Transaction management / duration of effectiveness / cluster
Creating, activating and deleting a RSA key pair is subject to transaction management. You can create or activate a new key pair within a transaction. A new public key can only be read after the transaction is terminated.
The RSA key pair remains active until a new pair is created and activated or until the application is regenerated. In the event of regeneration, UTM automatically generates a new RSA key pair if the OPTION GEN-RSA-KEYS=YES statement is specified for the KDCDEF run (default setting).
The effect of the call persists beyond the current application run.
Reading the public key is not subject to transaction management.
The following applies in UTM cluster applications (Unix, Linux and Windows systems):
The call applies globally to the cluster, i.e.
if you use the KC_ENCRYPT function to generate a new key pair at a node application then this key pair is also distributed to the other node applications so that all the node applications possess the same key pairs.
if you activate or delete a previously generated key pair at a node application then this action is replicated at all the other node applications.
Data to be supplied
Function of the call | Data to be entered in the | |||
parameter area 1 | identifications | selection | data area | |
Create RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | —— |
Delete non-activated RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | —— |
Delete activated RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | —— |
Activate RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | —— |
Public key of a not yet activated RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | Pointer to a data area into which UTM can return the public key. |
Public key of the currently active RSA key pair | subopcode1: | —— | —— | Pointer to a data area into which UTM can return the public key. |
1 In all cases, the operation code KC_ENCRYPT must be specified in the parameter area.
Parameter settings | |
Parameter area | |
Field name | Contents |
version | KC_ADMI_VERSION_1 |
retcode | KC_RC_NIL |
version_data | KC_VERSION_DATA_11 |
opcode | KC_ENCRYPT |
obj_number | 0 |
id_lth | 0 |
select_lth | 0 |
length of data area / 0 | |
Identification area | |
— | |
Selection area | |
— | |
Data area | |
— |
KDCADMI call |
KDCADMI (¶meter_area, NULL, NULL, NULL) or |
Data returned by UTM | |
Parameter area | |
Field name | Field contents |
return code | |
length of data returned/ 0 | |
Data structure kc_encrypt_str / kc_encrypt_advanced_str / — |
In the field subopcode1, you must specify which action UTM is to execute. You can enter the following subcodes:
Generates a new RSA key pair.
Activates a RSA key pair created with KC_ENCRYPT.
Deletes a not yet activated RSA key pair.
An activated RSA key pair is to be deleted. Only activated keys of encryption level 4 can be deleted.
This function is permitted only if the key pair has not been used by any object before deletion. It can be used, for example, after application regeneration and a subsequent KDCUPD to delete RSA keys that are no longer needed in the newly generated application.
Reads the public key of a previously created and not yet activated RSA key pair.
Reads the public key of the active RSA key pair.
In the field subopcode2, you must indicate to which encryption level the action specified in subopcode1 applies:
The action applies for RSA keys with a key length of 1024 bits.
The action applies for RSA keys with a key length of 2048 bits.
In the field data_lth, you enter the following:
data_lth=0. When you call KDCADMI, you should pass the zero pointer to UTM for &data_area.with subopcode1=KC_READ_NEW_PUBLIC_KEY or KC_READ_ACTIV_PUBLIC_KEY:
Length of the data area to which UTM is to return the public key of the RSA key pair. This data area must have the length of data structure kc_encrypt_advanced_str. For existing clients that work with subopcode2=KC_NO_SUBOPCODE, it must have the length of data structure kc_encrypt_str.
When you call KDCADMI, you must pass the pointer to the data area to UTM.
In the field retcode, UTM supplies the return code of the call. Beside the return codes listed in section "Return codes", one of the following return codes can also occur:
Maincode = KC_MC_REJECTED UTM rejected the call. Subcode: |
KC_SC_NO_ENCRYPTION Encryption is not supported. |
KC_SC_NO_GLOB_CHANG_POSSIBLE Only in UTM cluster applications: |
KC_SC_GLOB_CRE_DEL_LOCKED Only in UTM cluster applications: |
Maincode = KC_MC_RECBUF_FULL Subcode: |
KC_SC_NO_INFO The buffer containing the restart information is full. (See openUTM manual “Generating |
Maincode = KC_MC_REJECTED_CURR The call cannot be processed at present. Subcode: |
KC_SC_INVDEF_RUNNING Only in UTM cluster applications: |
data_lth_ret contains the data length returned to the data area by UTM.
With subopcode1=KC_READ_NEW_PUBLIC_KEY and KC_READ_ACTIV_PUBLIC_KEY data_lth_ret
If the value in data_lth_ret is smaller than the data area available (data_lth), the contents of the data area is only defined in data_lth_ret.In all other cases data_lth_ret=0
Data area
In the case where subopcode1=KC_READ_NEW_PUBLIC_ KEY or. KC_READ_ACTIV_PUBLIC_KEY, UTM returns the data structure kc_encrypt_advanced_str together with the public key of the specified encryption level. KC_READ_NEW_PUBLIC_KEY returns the key of the RSA key pair not yet activated. KC_READ_ACTIV_PUBLIC_KEY returns the key of the activated RSA key pair.
The data structure kc_encrypt_advanced_str is defined as follows:
struct kc_encrypt_advanced_str |
The fields of the data structure have the following meanings:
buf_lth en_buffer en_key_lth | length of the data buffer en_buffer used. contains the public key that was read. length of the key (1024 or 2048). |