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Cursor position


If, in a dialog step in a UTM program unit, a format output is intended and the cursor is to set to a field using the KDCSUR call, then this information will be transferred to UPIC. UTM uses the differences between the address of the specified field and the start address of the format to create an offset. This offset is transferred to the UPIC client and can be interrogated using the Extract_Cursor_Offset call.

The Extract_Cursor_Offset call delivers a return value. If this value is 0, KDCSCUR in the UTM program unit was not called, unless the cursor is to be set at the beginning of the format and the call really does result in the offset 0. If KDCSCUR is called in the UTM program unit, Extract_Cursor_Offset delivers the cursor address in the format, as a integer in a format relative to the start of the message area.