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UpicReplay (64-bit Linux systems)


To perform the operation on a Linux system, you need the side information file upicfile containing at least one entry with the name UPREPLAY.

Examples for a upicfile entry

Replay with the TAC DEMO. The UTM application UTMTEST1 runs on the computer HOST5678.

  • BS2000 systems:


  • Unix, Linux and Windows systems:


UTMTEST1 must have been configured either in MAX APPLINAME or in a BCAMAPPL statement. Please refer to the correponding openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications” for details.

Calling UpicReplay

UpicReplay is called as follows from a Linux shell:

UpicReplay is invoked as follows from a Linux-Shell:
UpicReplay InputFileName [-c<numberOfClients>] [-s<speedPercentage>] [-d[d]]

Name of the UPIC ReplayFile that you have created with UpicAnalyzer.

Mandatory parameter.


numberOfClients specifies the number of UPIC clients for which the recorded conversations are to be replayed.

Default: 1, (corresponds to -c1) i.e. only one client is simulated.
The actual limit depends on the relevant system limit.


speedPercentage specifies the replay speed as a percentage of the original speed. This makes it possible to simulate long and short thinking times.

Default: 100 (corresponds to -s100) i.e. original speed.

-s200 means 200%, i.e. twice the speed, achieved by halving the thinking time.


Enable debug output to stderr, i.e. debug messages are output on thread configuration and there are fewer messages on send and receive calls.


Enables extended debug output to stderr, i.e. detailed debug messages are output. This option is only intended for internal UpicReplay diagnostic purposes.

-dd is only of value when simulating a small number of clients.

Default: no debug output.


The UPIC conversations recorded in the file Replay.1239 are to be replayed at normal speed for 100 clients. The call is as follows:

UpicReplay Replay.1239 -c100