To perform the operation on a Linux system, you need the side information file upicfile containing at least one entry with the name UPREPLAY.
Examples for a upicfile entry
Replay with the TAC DEMO. The UTM application UTMTEST1 runs on the computer HOST5678.
BS2000 systems:
Unix, Linux and Windows systems:
UTMTEST1 must have been configured either in MAX APPLINAME or in a BCAMAPPL statement. Please refer to the correponding openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications” for details.
Calling UpicReplay
UpicReplay is called as follows from a Linux shell:
UpicReplay InputFileName [-c<numberOfClients>] [-s<speedPercentage>] [-d[d]]
InputFileName | Name of the UPIC ReplayFile that you have created with UpicAnalyzer. Mandatory parameter. |
-c<numberOfClients> | numberOfClients specifies the number of UPIC clients for which the recorded conversations are to be replayed. Default: 1, (corresponds to -c1) i.e. only one client is simulated. |
-s<speedPercentage> | speedPercentage specifies the replay speed as a percentage of the original speed. This makes it possible to simulate long and short thinking times. Default: 100 (corresponds to -s100) i.e. original speed. -s200 means 200%, i.e. twice the speed, achieved by halving the thinking time. |
-d | Enable debug output to stderr, i.e. debug messages are output on thread configuration and there are fewer messages on send and receive calls. |
-dd | Enables extended debug output to stderr, i.e. detailed debug messages are output. This option is only intended for internal UpicReplay diagnostic purposes. -dd is only of value when simulating a small number of clients. Default: no debug output. |
The UPIC conversations recorded in the file Replay.1239 are to be replayed at normal speed for 100 clients. The call is as follows:
UpicReplay Replay.1239 -c100