When delivering asynchronous messages, the following error situations can occur:
Loss of connection with LTERM, LPAP, and OSI-LPAP bundles
If a slave LTERM, slave LPAP, or slave OSI-LPAP loses its connection to the partner application, openUTM can send this slave’s pending asynchronous messages using a different slave in the bundle with an established connection, after a defined waiting time has elapsed.
Detailed information can be found in the openUTM manual “Generating Applications” for generation parameter MAX MOVE-BUNDLE-MSGS.
Permanent errors when sending asynchronous messages to LPAP or OSI-LPAP partners
To prevent message loss when permanent errors occur, asynchronous messages to LPAP or OSI-LPAP can be saved in the dead letter queue (see "Control options for message queues").
If the errors can be resolved, the messages can then be moved from the dead letter queue to the original destination or a different destination of the same type.
Corrupt messages to asynchronous TACs and TAC queues
Messages to asynchronous TACs and TAC queues that could not be processed can be saved in the dead letter queue to prevent message loss (see "Control options for message queues").
If the errors can be resolved, the messages can then be moved from the dead letter queue to the original destination or a different destination of the same type.