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Roll-back and restart functions with independent transactions

openUTM uses local, independent transactions if the “Commit” functional unit is not used when communicating via OSI TP.

The roll-back and restart functions distinguish between the following scenarios:

  • Error in the job-receiving application or loss of connection

    openUTM rolls back the transaction in the job-receiving service and terminates the service. The transaction in the job-submitting service is not automatically rolled back. However, the job-submitting service does receive an error message if it is waiting for a result from the job-receiving service, and can thus respond with a roll-back.

  • Error in the job-submitting application

    openUTM rolls back the transactions in the job-submitting and job-receiving services, and terminates the job-receiving service. If the job-submitting service has already reached a synchronization point, the service is restarted after the transaction is rolled back.