KDCUPD compares the generations of the two KDCFILEs. Depending on the results of these checks, KDCUPD cannot transfer some items of data and in some cases must reject transfer completely.
If the KDCUPD run detects that the database configurations of the two generations are incompatible then an error message is output and the KDCUPD run is terminated abnormally.
No transfer on BS2000 systems
When generating new KDCFILE the user is basically permitted to change all the generation parameters compared with the old KDCFILE. However, there are some exceptions which apply only to UTM-S applications:
The entire transfer is denied by KDCUPD fif Old KDCFILE generated with formatting, new KDCFILE without because running an application with the KDCFILE would lead to errors.
If the database generations have changed in terms of the number and sequence of the databases, no open services are transferred.
If more databases are generated in the new generation than in the old one and the existing sequence from the old generation is retained, everything is transferred.- In case of a version change the entire transfer is rejected, if the database generations have changed in terms of the number and sequence of the databases.
In the case of the UTM-F variant, differences of this kind do not prevent KDCUPD from carrying out the transfer.
Limited transfer
There are generation differences between the old and new KDCFILE which in principle permit transfer, but for which individual messages or data areas cannot be transferred. KDCUPD logs events such as these to SYSOUT or SYSLST (on BS2000 systems) or to stdout or stderr (on Unix, Linux and Windows systems) and continues transfer to the new KDCFILE.
If an LTERM partner is no longer defined in the new KDCFILE, KDCUPD cannot transfer any FPUT messages and TLS areas for these LTERM partners.
If the communication area of a dialog service is larger than the maximum communication area length (operand MAX KB=...) in the new KDCFILE, KDCUPD rejects transfer of this service.
In general, the generation values of the new KDCFILE apply when transferring with KDCUPD.