On 64-bit platforms, KDCUPD is also able to transfer data from a 32-bit UTM application to a 64-bit UTM application. The transfer is always performed from the 32-bit UTM application to the 64-bit application and is supported only by the 64-bit variant of the utility program KDCUPD.
When doing so, please note the following:
KDCUPD is only able to process UTM applications on the same system platform.
The previous 32-bit UTM application and the 64-bit UTM application to which the data is to be transferred must be of the same version.
If the 32-bit UTM application was run with a predecessor version < V7.0 then the transfer must be performed in two stages, see following example for openUTM V6.5:
Transfer from openUTM V6.5 (32-bit) to openUTM V7.0 (32-bit) using the KDCUPD V7.0 32-bit program.
Transfer from openUTM V7.0 (32-bit) to openUTM V7.0 (64-bit) using the KDCUPD V7.0 64-bit program.
In the case of UTM cluster applications, the change of architecture must be performed both for the node update and the cluster update.
The steps are the same as when performing transfers between 32-bit platforms, see for example section "Update generation for standalone UTM applications".
KDCUPD automatically detects the change of architecture when the transfer operation is performed, i.e. no special control statements are required for this operation. More specifically, the following applies:
You enter the directory containing the previously used 32-bit KDCFILE in the OLD parameter of the TRANSFER statement.
You enter the directory for the newly generated 64-bit KDCFILE in the NEW parameter of the TRANSFER statement.
When this change of architecture is performed, KDCUPD outputs the message K841.
All user data, e.g. GSSB, LSSB, TLS, ULS content and the KB program areas, is taken over unchanged at the binary level because KDCUPD has no information about the internal structure of the user data employed by the user!