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openUTM documentation


The openUTM documentation consists of manuals, the online help for the graphical administration workstation openUTM WinAdmin and the graphical administration tool WebAdmin as well as release notes.
There are manuals and release notes that are valid for all platforms, as well as manuals and release notes that are valid for BS2000 systems and for Unix, Linux and Windows systems.

All the manuals and release notes are available on the internet at

The following sections provide a task-oriented overview of the openUTM V7.0 documentation.

You will find a complete list of documentation for openUTM in the chapter on related publications at the back of the manual.

Introduction and overview

The Concepts and Functions manual gives a coherent overview of the essential functions, features and areas of application of openUTM. It contains all the information required to plan a UTM operation and to design a UTM application. The manual explains what openUTM is, how it is used, and how it is integrated in the BS2000, Unix, Linux and Windows based platforms.


  • You will require the Programming Applications with KDCS for COBOL, C and C++ manual to create server applications via the KDCS interface or UTM-HTTP programming interface. This manual describes the KDCS interface as used for COBOL, C and C++. This interface provides the basic functions of the universal transaction monitor, as well as the calls for distributed processing. The manual also describes interaction with databases.
    The UTM-HTTP programming interface provides functions that may be used for communication with HTTP clients. 

  • You will require the Creating Applications with X/Open Interfaces manual if you want to use the X/Open interface. This manual contains descriptions of the openUTM-specific extensions to the X/Open program interfaces TX, CPI-C and XATMI as well as notes on configuring and operating UTM applications which use X/Open interfaces. In addition, you will require the X/Open-CAE specification for the corresponding X/Open interface.

  • If you want to interchange data on the basis of XML, you will need the document entitled openUTM XML for openUTM. This describes the C and COBOL calls required to work with XML documents.

  • For BS2000 systems there is supplementary documentation on the programming languages Assembler, Fortran, Pascal-XT and PL/1.


The Generating Applications manual is available to you for defining configurations. This describes for both standalone UTM applications and UTM cluster applications on Unix, Linux and Windows systems how to use the UTM tool KDCDEF to

  • define the configuration

  • generate the KDCFILE

  • and generate the UTM cluster files for UTM cluster applications

In addition, it also shows you how to transfer important administration and user data to a new KDCFILE using the KDCUPD tool. You do this, for example, when moving to a new openUTM version or after changes have been made to the configuration. In the case of UTM cluster applications, it also indicates how you can use the KDCUPD tool to transfer this data to the new UTM cluster files.

Linking, starting and using UTM applications

In order to be able to use UTM applications, you will need the Using UTM Applications manual for the relevant operating system (BS2000 or Unix, Linux and Windows systems). This describes how to link and start a UTM application program, how to sign on and off to and from a UTM application and how to replace application programs dynamically and in a structured manner. It also contains the UTM commands that are available to the terminal user. Additionally, those issues are described in detail that need to be considered when operating UTM cluster applications.

Administering applications and changing configurations dynamically

  • The Administering Applications manual describes the program interface for administration and the UTM administration commands. It provides information on how to create your own administration programs for operating a standalone UTM application or a UTM cluster application and on the facilities for administering several different applications centrally. It also describes how to administer message queues and printers using the KDCS calls DADM and PADM.

  • If you are using the graphical administration workstation openUTM WinAdmin or the Web application openUTM WebAdmin, which provides comparable functionality, then the following documentation is available to you:

    • A description of WinAdmin and description of WebAdmin, which provide a comprehensive overview of the functional scope and handling of WinAdmin/WebAdmin.

    • The respective online help systems, which provide context-sensitive help information on all dialog boxes and associated parameters offered by the graphical user interface. In addition, it also tells you how to configure WinAdmin or WebAdmin in order to administer standalone UTM applications and UTM cluster applications.

    For detailed information on the integration of openUTM WebAdmin in SE Server's SE Manager, see the SE Server manual Operation and Administration.

Testing and diagnosing errors

You will also require the Messages, Debugging and Diagnostics manuals (there are separate manuals for Unix, Linux and Windows systems and for BS2000 systems) to carry out the tasks mentioned above. These manuals describe how to debug a UTM application, the contents and evaluation of a UTM dump, the openUTM message system, and also lists all messages and return codes output by openUTM.

Creating openUTM clients

The following manuals are available to you if you want to create client applications for communication with UTM applications:

  • The openUTM-Client for the UPIC Carrier System describes the creation and operation of client applications based on UPIC. It indicates what needs to be taken into account when programming a CPI-C application and what restrictions apply compared with the X/Open CPI-C interface.

  • The openUTM-Client for the OpenCPIC Carrier System manual describes how to install and configure OpenCPIC and configure an OpenCPIC application. It indicates what needs to be taken into account when programming a CPI-C application and what restrictions apply compared with the X/Open CPI-C interface.

  • The documentation for the product openUTM-JConnect shipped with BeanConnect consists of the manual and a Java documentation with a description of the Java classes.

  • The BizXML2Cobol manual describes how you can extend existing COBOL programs of a UTM application in such a way that they can be used as an XML-based standard Web service. How to work with the graphical user interface is described in the online help system.

  • You can also use the software product WS4UTM (WebServices for openUTM) to provide services of UTM applications as Web services. To do this, you need the Web Services for openUTM manual. Working with the graphical user interface is described in the corresponding online help system.

Communicating with the IBM world

If you want to communicate with IBM transaction systems, then you will also require the manual Distributed Transaction Processing between openUTM and CICS, IMS and LU6.2 Applications. This describes the CICS commands, IMS macros and UTM calls that are required to link UTM applications to CICS and IMS applications. The link capabilities are described using detailed configuration and generation examples. The manual also describes communication via openUTM-LU62 as well as its installation, generation and administration.

PCMX documentation

The communications program PCMX is supplied with openUTM on Unix, Linux and Windows systems. The functions of PCMX are described in the following documents:

  • CMX manual “Betrieb und Administration“ (Unix-Systeme) for Unix, Linux and Windows systems (only available in German)

  • PCMX online help system for Windows systems