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Creating and deleting objects


WebAdmin allows the following dynamically administered objects to be created and deleted: Con, Kset, Lses, Ltac, Lterm, Program, Pterm, Tac and User. In order to create new administration objects, corresponding table entries must be reserved when generating the UTM application (RESERVE statement).

In WebAdmin, it is possible to create new objects as follows:First of all, display the page containing the object list for the required object type. There is a 'Create Object' button above this table (alternatively you can also access it from the '<object type>' entry in the table rack on the sidebar).

Click this button or rack entry to display a property page which is similar to the one described earlier for existing objects. Here you must specify the name and the parameters for the new object, then click on 'Create Object' to proceed. If there are default values for parameters, these are preset by WebAdmin. Mandatory parameters of the object which have no default value (e.g. the name of the new object) are marked by WebAdmin with the symbol "<=>".

To delete an object, first display the property page of the object to be deleted. This page has the button 'Delete Object' and/or 'Delete Object Immediately'. Alternatively, there are corresponding rack entries for the respective object on the sidebar. When you click on one of the buttons or rack entries, a confirmation prompt will appear. If you confirm, the object will be deleted and the object list to which the object list belonged will be displayed. Objects that are deleted immediately are removed from the object lists directly after their successful deletion.