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Functions of a UTM application and UTM cluster


The functions of a UTM application or of a UTM cluster are displayed below the "Functions" section on the primary page of the application or cluster. This section is hidden by default, only the title bar is visible. Click on the title bar to make the section visible. In addition, the racks for the UTM application and the UTM cluster on the sidebar also contain options representing functions.

The following application or cluster-related functions are available:

  • 'Application Properties' or 'Cluster Properties'
    Displays the property page of the UTM application or UTM cluster.
    This function is only available in the rack for the UTM application or UTM cluster on the sidebar.
  • 'Check Availability'
    When this function is selected, WebAdmin displays a page with the button 'Check Availability' and the result of the last availability check. If you click the button, WebAdmin checks whether the affected application(s) can be accessed via the UPIC interface. If so (i.e. the applications are running), the availability of the application(s) is indicated by a blue application icon; otherwise, the same icon is 'crossed out' in red. The results of the availability check are displayed in detail below the button.
    If the function is executed for a UTM cluster, all activated node applications are checked.
  • 'Start'
    You use the 'Start' function to start a UTM application. This function can only be used if the file transfer product openFT is available both on the administration computer and on the application host (see Starting UTM applications). If one application is to be started, then a dialog box with the application name and host is opened. This allows you to make the following specifications:
    • Start Procedure or Service
      Both for BS2000 systems and for Unix/Linux systems, the name of the procedure which WebAdmin uses to start the UTM application must be entered here. In BS2000 system this has to be an enter file that can be called with "/ENTER-JOB <name>", and under Unix/Linux systems it has to be a shell script that can be called using "sh <name>". For Windows systems, the name of a service is required which WebAdmin will then start with the command "net start <name>".
    • User ID
      Enter the user ID under which the start procedure is available on the host or the service is started. This is particularly important if the 'FTAC Admission' check box is not activated. However, even if this check box is activated, WebAdmin expects to find a user ID here. WebAdmin uses the unique data pair of host/ID to store the specified access data in the configuration database and to use it again subsequently.
    • Password
      If necessary, specify the password for the user ID (if you are not using a FTAC profile).
    • Account or Work Directory
      The account number for the user ID must be entered here for BS2000 applications (if FTAC profiles are not used), and for Unix/Linux or Windows applications the directory into which WebAdmin transfers a job file.
    • 'FTAC Admission' check box and edit box
      If you check the box on the left, the specified FTAC access authorization is used for file transfer instead of the user ID and password.
      If you have checked the 'FTAC Admission' box, you must enter the FTAC access authorization for the FTAC profile defined on the host here.

   WebAdmin stores the entries made on this page in the configuration database and automatically proposes them the next time a call is made, with the result that no further user input is required unless there is any change in the access data. The access data is stored together with the above-mentioned unique host/user ID data pair.
   The time needed to start the applications differs, depending on the system and the start procedure used. The 'OK' message after you execute the function only indicates that the start procedure has been called up on the host. You can use the 'Check Availability' option to determine whether or not the start was successful.
   If this function is called for a UTM cluster, the node application to be started must be selected on the displayed page.

  • 'Shut'
    The 'Shut' function is used to terminate UTM applications. After you call this function, a page is displayed which offers the following choice of shutdown modes: SHUT WARN, SHUT GRACEFUL, SHUT NORMAL and SHUT KILL. For SHUT WARN and SHUT GRACEFUL, you can also specify the interval after which the application(s) are closed plus the text of a warning message.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you can also specify whether the entire cluster or only one of the node applications is to be terminated.
  • 'Message Dump'
    Specifies the conditions under which a message dump is generated.
    (See Message dump)
    This function is not available for a cluster node application.
  • 'Create Diagdump'
    Creates a diagnostic dump for the application.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must choose for which cluster node application it is to be executed.
  • 'Inverse KDCDEF'
    The 'Inverse KDCDEF' function allows you to initiate an inverse KDCDEF run which generates files, and also library elements in the case of BS2000 systems, with KDCDEF statements for dynamic administration objects on the respective application host. A page is then displayed on which, among other things, you are asked to select the statements to be generated and specify the names of the output files or library elements.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must also choose for which cluster node application it is to be executed.
  • 'Send Message'
    The 'Send Message' function allows you to send a message to all active UTM dialog stations for a UTM application on BS2000 systems. A dialog box for entering the message is opened. (Note: Messages to individual dialog stations can be sent via the property page of an Lterm.)
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must also choose for which cluster node application it is to be executed.
  • 'Spoolout'
    You can use the 'Spoolout...' function to establish connections to all printers of the UTM application(s) for which messages are present and which are not connected.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must choose for which cluster node application it is to be executed.
  • 'Change Application'
    The 'Change Application' function enables the application program to be changed while the application is running. On the page then displayed, you are asked whether you want to switch to the next higher or to the previous file generation.
    This function is not available for a cluster node application.
  • 'Switch Logging File'
    This function enables the logging file to be switched over. On the page then displayed you are offered the following choices:
  • 'Uslog'
    Switches the user log file(s) to the next file generation group.
  • 'Syslog'
    Switches the SYSLOG logging file to the next file generation group.(Note: Other functions relating to the syslog file, e.g. changing the size or writing the virtual memory to the file, can be accessed via the Syslog tab of the property page for a UTM application or UTM cluster.)
  • 'Protocol Files'
    Switches the application protocol files over.
    This function is not available for a cluster node application.
  • 'Encryption'
    This function enables you to access the security functions offered by openUTM to encrypt user data during transfer between a UPIC client and a UTM application. The 'Encryption' page of the property dialog for the respective UTM application(s) is displayed.
    The displayed property page:
    • displays the public part of the currently active RSA key
    • displays the public part of a previously generated but not yet activated RSA key (if present)
    • lets you delete a new but not yet activated RSA key pair
    • lets you generate a new RSA key pair
    • lets you activate a new but not yet activated RSA key pair

   This function is not available for a cluster node application.

  • 'Update IP-Addresses'
    This function can be used to synchronize the IP addresses stored in the object tables of UTM applications with the IP addresses in the hostname database. The addresses of all the affected communication partners of types Pterm, Con and Osi-Con are updated in the applications.
    This function is not available for a cluster node application.
  • 'Show Open Transactions in PTC State'
    Displays a list of all currently open transactions in the PTC state.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must first choose the node application for which it is to be executed.
  • 'Online Import'
    This function is only available for a UTM cluster or a cluster node application.
    It performs an online import of a node application which is not currently running into this node application.
    On the page then displayed, you must select the non-running node application ('source node application') whose data is to be imported into this node application.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must also choose the node application that is to import the data.
  • 'Explicitly Sign-Off Users'
    This function is only available for a UTM cluster or a cluster node application.
    This function can only be executed for a node application that WebAdmin does not consider to be currently running. It explicitly signs off from UTM any UTM users who are still signed on to the non-running node application. This function is executed by the UTM node application currently designated "Master" by WebAdmin.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must choose the respective node application.
  • 'Abort Bound Services'
    This function is only available for a UTM cluster or a cluster node application.
    This function can only be executed for a node application that WebAdmin does not consider to be currently running. You can find a detailed description of this function in the UTM Administration Manual (KDCADMI operation code KC_LOCK_MGMT, subopcode KC_ABORT_ALL_BOUND_SERVICES). This function is executed by the UTM node application currently designated "Master" by WebAdmin.
    If this function is called for a UTM cluster, you must choose the respective node application.
  • 'Repair User File Lock'
    This function is only available for a UTM cluster.
    This function allows you to cancel the lock on the UTM user file if this is still set as a result of an aborted KDCDEF run.
  • 'Host'
    This function is only available for a standalone UTM application or a cluster node application.
    It displays the property page of the UTM application host,
  • 'Current UPIC Connection'
    This function is only available for a standalone application or a cluster node application.
    Opens the property dialog for the UPIC connection to the selected UTM application.
  • 'Remove From Collection'
    Removes the UTM application or UTM cluster from the currently open collection.
    This function is only available for a cluster node application.
  • 'Modify Cluster Name'
    This function is only available for a UTM cluster.
    It allows you to change the name of a cluster as displayed in WebAdmin.
  • 'Activate/Deactivate Node Application'
    These functions are only available for a deactivated or activated cluster node application respectively. The functions are executed immediately.