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Before installing openUTM WebAdmin, a Java JDK, version Java SE 11, must be installed on the destination computer. You can use a paid Java JDK or a free OpenJDK.

The Apache Tomcat web server (and therefore also the web application) runs as a 64-bit application.

An IzPack installation in the form of the JAR file "WebAdmin70Ann.jar" (nn = correction level) is available.

If the IzPack installation of WebAdmin is chosen then the user is free to select two main directories:

  • The basic WebAdmin installation directory (main program directory) which contains programs and procedures for running Apache Tomcat and WebAdmin.
  • The WebAdmin main data directory for configuration and log files.

In this way, you are able to separate data and code. However, you can also choose the same main directory for both.

If you want to use WebAdmin as a Windows service, you have to choose the same directory for data and code.
Please Note:
Empty root directories should be selected for the installation so that no old files that are no longer needed are retained. If you already had WebAdmin installed, you should therefore proceed as follows:

  1. Rename the currently installed WebAdmin root directories.
  2. Install WebAdmin into empty root directories as described below.
  3. Copy the following files to the newly installed root directories:
    1. For the configuration database, the entire directory <main-data-directory>/UtmWebAdmin/app/db
    2. The following files from the WebAdmin configuration directory <main-data-directory>/UtmWebAdmin/app/config
      • openft_config.cmd resp., if WebAdmin is to use openFT
      •, if you don't want to work with the log4j default configuration
    3. Programs or scripts below <main-data-directory>/UtmWebAdmin/app, used for WebAdmin actions
  4. Before you delete the old, renamed WebAdmin root directories that are no longer needed, you can save any exported statistical data in <main-data-directory>/UtmWebAdmin/app/statistics

Installing WebAdmin in systems with a graphical user interface
In systems with a graphical user interface, proceed as follows:

  1. When installing on a Unix/Linux platform the environment variable DISPLAY must be set.
  2. In the relevant system, open a window for command entry, e.g. shell or DOS prompt.
  3. Switch to the directory in which the JAR file is located.
  4.  Unpack the JAR file using the following command „<javapath>/bin/java –jar WebAdmin70Ann.jar". <javapath> is the directory in which the Java JDK is installed.
  5. Follow the instructions output by the graphical installation program and define the main program directory, the main data directory and the JDK directory. Attention: A Java JRE is not adequate for a successful installation!

Installing WebAdmin in systems without a graphical user interface
A WebAdmin-auto.xml file is mandatory to permit installation on systems without a graphical user interface. A template file will be delivered. Proceed as follows:

  1. The automated installation on a Windows platform requires admin rights.
  2. Open the file WebAdmin-auto.xml with a text editor and enter the required installation information as follows:
    1. Define the main program directory in the <INSTALL_PATH> tag and
    2. the main data directory for configuration and logging data in the <VAR_INSTALL_PATH> tag and
    3. the directory in which the Java JDK is installed in the <JDK_PATH> tag.
      Attention: A Java JRE is not adequate for a successful installation!
  3. In the relevant system, open a window for command entry, e.g. shell or DOS prompt.
  4. Switch to the directory in which the JAR and XML files are located.
  5. Unpack the JAR file using the following command „java -jar WebAdmin70Ann.jar WebAdmin-auto.xml". This installs WebAdmin automatically.
    Attention: Installing in systems without graphical user interface without using WebAdmin-auto.xml, this may lead to unexpected behaviors (e.g. null-pointer-exception).