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Starting UTM applications


It is also possible to use WebAdmin to start UTM applications. The prerequisite for this is the file transfer product openFT (Version 10 or higher).

To be able to use the file transfer functions, it is necessary to make certain settings in WebAdmin. These are specified in the file openft_config.cmd or which can be found in the directory <WebAdmin-InstallationDirectory>/UtmWebAdmin/app/config .

If a WinAdmin installation is already present on the same computer on which WebAdmin is installed and if this WinAdmin configuration is set up to use openFT, you can also copy the file openft_config.cmd or respectively from the WinAdmin directory <WinAdmin-InstallationDirectory>/config into the above WebAdmin directory.

Otherwise you will need to open the file in a text editor and edit it accordingly. WebAdmin basically uses the Java interface of openFT. For this WebAdmin needs to know the location of the two JAR libraries openFTapi.jar and openFT.jar of openFT in the file system.

The following entries must be specified:

    Specify the full path of the java subdirectory in the openFT installation directory.
    Specify the full path to the openFTapi.jar openFT file.
    This file is usually located in the java subdirectory of the openFT installation directory.
    Specify the full path to the openFT.jar openFT file.
    This file is usually located in the java subdirectory of the openFT installation directory.

openFT must be installed both on the WebAdmin host and on the server running the UTM application. In addition, openFT must be configured on both sides in such a way that the partner computer is known on the opposite side. For further details, please refer to the openFT documentation.

WebAdmin relies to a great extent on openFT's capabilities for follow-up processing. When an application is started, for instance, a dummy file is transferred to the server and, following the transfer, a start procedure is initiated. For this to be possible, openFT must allow follow-up processing on all servers. The 'Inbound follow-up processing allowed' option must be activated in the admission set for this.

The dummy files cannot be deleted on servers with Unix/Linux or Windows systems. WebAdmin generates the following files in the work directories listed below:

WinAdminStartApplication<n> (Unix/Linux systems) or
WinAdminStartApplication<n>.cmd (Windows systems)

where <n> is the ID number of the corresponding UTM application.

WebAdmin may address the file transfer partner via its ID, password or account number, or by means of the transfer admission of an FTAC profile (File Transfer Access Control). The corresponding web pages contain a 'Use FTAC profile' check box which allows you to select the required addressing mode. If user ID and password are to be used, the multi-user variant of openFT must be installed on Windows servers, as only this variant supports access with a user ID and password.

Compared to access via user ID and password, the use of FTAC profiles provides better protection for the server systems by separating the file transfer admission from the logon/login authorization as well as through the user and partner system-specific assignment of access rights. Flexible grading of the access rights linked to an FTAC profile is also possible.

The following operating system-dependent syntax rules and restrictions apply to the access data:





User ID

1 - 8 alphanumeric characters
WebAdmin automatically converts these to uppercase.
Specified without leading '$'.


0 - 8 alphanumeric characters
WebAdmin automatically converts these to uppercase.
Some user IDs have no account number.


1 - 8 character long C-string (in the form <pass> or '<pass>' or C'<pass>')or1 - 16 character long X-string (in the form X'<hexpass>')

Transfer admission
(only possible if openFT is used)

8 - 32 alphanumeric characters (in the form <admission>) or
8 - 32 character long C-string (in the form '<admission>' or C'<admission>'
Important: If the transfer admission was not entered as a C-string or X-string in BS2000 systems then BS2000 system automatically converts it to lowercase, e.g. XXX becomes xxx. Similarly, WebAdmin also converts a transfer admission entered in the form <admission> to lowercase.


User ID

1 - 32 characters


Not used


Alphanumeric characters (maximum length is system-dependent)

Transfer admission
(only possible if openFT is used)

8 - 16 characters


User ID

1 - 36 characters (in the form <userid> or possibly with leading domain name in the form <domain>/<userid>)


Not used


8 - 32 characters

Transfer admission
(only possible if openFT is used)

8 - 32 characters