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The property page for message collectors contains the following controls:
- 'UTM Queue Object' section
This specifies the UTM queue from which the messages are to be fetched. The types 'Tac-Queue' (i.e. TAC...,TYPE=Q) and 'User-Queue' are possible. User objects can only be used as queues if the generated QLEV is greater than zero. 'Queue Name' specifies the name of the UTM object (i.e. either the name of a Tac or a user queue).
- 'Message Polling' dropdown box
Specifies when WebAdmin is to fetch the messages from openUTM. Here you can either set 'On Demand' or choose a defined regular interval at which WebAdmin automatically fetches the messages. You can choose intervals between 30 seconds and two hours.If you choose 'On Demand' then there are two different ways of initiating message retrieval. You can either click the 'Poll Messages' button on the property page of the message collector, or you can display the message list ('Show Messages' button) and click the "Poll Messages" button on the object list page which is then displayed with the messages.
- 'Message Type' dropdown box
Specifies the type of message that WebAdmin can expect in the queue.
- 'UTM message'
This is a message generated by openUTM in PRINT format.
- 'UTM message'
- 'Printable Text'
The messages can also be printed but they might not be UTM messages.
- 'Printable Text'
- 'Binary Data'
This can be any type of data, including data which may not be printable. If you select this message type, WebAdmin converts the data at the UTM end of the connection into a printable, hexadecimal format and displays the data in the message lists in this format.
- 'Binary Data'
- 'Message Lifetime' dropdown box
This property specifies how long WebAdmin keeps the collected messages.
- 'Don't store'
The collected messages are not stored in the configuration database. If you close the current collection then the messages are lost forever.
- 'Don't store'
- 'Delete on Demand'
This is the opposite of 'Don't store'. In this case, the messages are stored in the configuration database and are not deleted until this is explicitly requested. You can do this by choosing the 'Delete Message Immediately' function in the rack of a collected message on the sidebar.
- 'Delete on Demand'
- 'Keep Last <n>'
In this case, the last 100, 500, 1000 or 5000 collected messages are stored in the database. If the database contains more messages than the number specified then the oldest messages are deleted.
- 'Keep Last <n>'
- 'Keep 1 Day / Keep 2 Days / Keep 1 Week / Keep 1 Month'
The messages are stored in the database for the specified period. The messages are deleted when this period expires. The period is measured from the time at which WebAdmin fetches the messages, not the time the messages were generated in openUTM.
- 'Keep 1 Day / Keep 2 Days / Keep 1 Week / Keep 1 Month'
- 'Current Application Run'
Only the messages from the current application run of the respective UTM application are stored in the database. The application start time is taken from the structure kc_curr_par_str of the KDCADMI interface (fields start_date_year, start_date_month, start_date_day, start_time_hour, start_time_min, start_time_sec). This is the (cold) start time of the UTM application (system time of the application host).
If the message is of the type 'UTM message', the time the message was sent by UTM (system time of the application host) is taken as the message time. Otherwise the time at which WebAdmin fetched the message from UTM (system time of the WebAdmin host) is taken as the message time.
- 'Current Application Run'
- 'Consume Message' dropdown box
Here you can specify whether the messages are to be immediately consumed on reading (this is the default) or not. If the messages are not to be consumed, they will remain in the respective queue. This makes it possible, for instance, to view the contents of messages in the dead letter queue.