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Function kcHttpGetVersion

The function kcHttpGetVersion returns the version of the HTTP request. The version is returned in the form in which it is contained in the HTTP protocol, e.g. 'HTTP/1.1'.

This function may be called both in program unit and HTTP exit program.
In the program unit the function may only called in the first program unit run of a service.

Function declaration kcHttpGetVersion
kc_http_retcode kcHttpGetVersion( char *  httpVersion,
                                  int *   httpVersionLth
This function has following function parameter:
<<httpVersionThe pointer to a buffer in which the version of the HTTP request is returned. The length of the buffer must be at least httpVersionLth bytes.
The pointer to a variable in which the length of the buffer for the version of the HTTP request is passed and the actual length of the version is returned.
Description of returned value of function call:


The function has successfully terminated.


The function was called by the KDCS program unit before the KDCS call INIT was executed or not in the first program unit run or outside an HTTP exit program.


The calling service was not initiated by an HTTP client.


The pointer to the buffer for the version httpVersion or the pointer to the length of the version httpVersionLth is NULL.


The value of the length of version httpVersionLth is lower or equal 0.


The length of the buffer for the version is less than the actual length of the version. The version is truncated and the actual length is returned.